
Stop killing women! Uproar greets surge in femicide cases

Several women and young girls have in recent days gone missing and turned up dead.


Realtime24 October 2024 - 21:07

In Summary

  • Kenyans have condemned the ongoing senseless killings and are calling for action to avert further loss of lives.
  • Psychologist and executive director of Healing Hearts CBO, Faith Goko, blamed the system over the entrenchment of the worrying trend in society today.

March against femicide on the Mombasa streets that started from Moi Avenue streets (Mapembeni) to Tonoka social hall on January 27, 2024.

Months after bodies of women were found in a dumpsite in Kware in Nairobi's Mukuru slums, Kenyans have continued to hear of new cases of femicide in the country.

Several women and young girls have in recent days gone missing across the country and turned up dead with their bodies dumped.

Kenyans have condemned the ongoing senseless killings and are calling for action to avert further loss of lives.

“This country has a serious femicide issue and it’s so sad,” a user on X called Kris said.

“The number of femicide cases on the news today was harrowing, we have a huge problem in this country that is continuing to go completely unmitigated,” added Wambui Waithaka.

Rasna Warah said femicide cases in the country should be investigated immediately.

Speaking to the Star, Psychologist and executive director of Healing Hearts CBO, Faith Goko, said that there is a serious femicide crisis in the country.

“I reject the false narrative of deserving victims. I stand on the constitution, which recognises women’s right to life, security, equality and protection by the law and the government regardless of occupation, ethnicity, socio-economic status, sexual orientation, gender identity, health status, education, marital status or religion,” she said.

Goko blamed the system over the entrenchment of the worrying trend in society today.

According to her, the government has enabled the inhumane treatment of women by not upholding the policies and law, therefore, fueling perpetrators' behaviour.

“The government should up its efforts by protecting and assuring the safety and security of young girls and women in Kenya by providing justice, fastening the court procedure and making sure the perpetrator faces the law of a lifetime imprisonment.

“Enough is enough! Stop killing women. As human rights defenders, we are angry at the men who violate and assault us and take our lives but get to walk away scot-free or with just a slap on the wrist because their victims are women.”

Kanu national chairman Gideon Moi called for immediate government intervention in the rising femicide cases.

"The government must now step up its efforts to guarantee the safety and security of every Kenyan," he said.

The Kanu chairman said the country is grappling with a surge in femicide cases and killings, which have created a climate of fear and insecurity among Kenyans.

"No one should live in fear and no Kenyan should ever feel unsafe walking our streets or going about their daily lives," Gideon said, pointing to what he described as a deeply disturbing and heartbreaking surge in brutal murders of Kenyans.

Among the latest incidents is the murder of three family members whose bodies were dumped in different locations.

Dahabo Daud Said, 38, Amina Abdirashid Dahir, 22 and Nusayba Abdi Mohammed, 13 were stabbed and killed after they went missing the previous night from their house in Eastleigh estate, Nairobi.

Police said the bodies of Nusayba, Amina and Dahabo were found at Bahati in Makadara, 6th Avenue Parklands and Khyumbi, in Machakos respectively, with hands of Dohabo chopped off.

In yet another chilling murder, the body of 23-year-old Seth Nyakio Njeri was discovered in her friend's house on October 14, in Thika.

Government pathologists attributed her death to Asphyxia due to manual strangulation and smothering.

Her parents have alleged a cover-up plot in the ongoing investigations.

Separately on September 28, 2024, Mombasa taxi driver Victoria Mumbua was reported missing only for her to turn up dead and her body dumped in Nakuru county by police from Lari police station.

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