
Woman says her oversized 'Big Mac' genitals ruined her sex life

A woman's sex life was ruined by her oversized genitals which she herself likened to a 'Big Mac burger with the filling hanging out'.Antonia experienced years of discomfort because of the excess skin, and had to put up with cruel comments from men about the appearance of her vagina.She revealed one partner told her: I can’t wait to sleep with someone with a normal vagina", while others have remarked: "you’ve got a pair of balls" and "it looks like a world war zone".


Sasa21 January 2019 - 23:12
The labiaplasty involves the surgeon removing the excess skin to create a 'designer vagina' for the patient./DAILY MAIL

A woman's sex life was ruined by her oversized genitals which she herself likened to a 'Big Mac burger with the filling hanging out'.

Antonia experienced years of discomfort because of the excess skin, and had to put up with cruel comments from men about the appearance of her vagina.

She revealed one partner told her:

I can’t wait to sleep with someone with a normal vagina", while others have remarked: "you’ve got a pair of balls" and "it looks like a world war zone".

After being turned down by the NHS for a labiaplasty procedure, she was forced to turn to private healthcare treatment and forked out £3,100 (Sh570, 000) on getting her 'embarrassing' problem fixed -

but she was left unhappy with the results.

Opening up about how embarrassed she felt about her body in BBC Three documentary My Unusual Vagina, Antonia told how her inner labia destroyed her life.

"The skin flaps are like elastic bands, if I was to pull them I could get them down to my thigh,"she says.

For me sex is difficult, because it can hurt and feel uncomfortable.

"How are you supposed to enjoy it when the main organ that you would use you feel completely embarrassed by, and then on the other hand it hurts physically. It is not an aspect of my life that is explored and enjoyed."

Even a girls' holiday was ruined for Antonia when her labia escaped from her bikini and it burned in the sun.

Antonia admits she constantly searched for images of other female vaginas online to compare hers to, and felt that she had to 'live up to' an ideal image that she believes social media, media and the porn industry have created.

Antonia consulted a surgeon at Fitzroy Surgery in London, so that she could have her labia reduced in a labiaplasty operation - often referred to as 'designer vagina' surgery.

Her mother, Tina, accompanied her but expressed her disappointment with the cosmetic surgery route her daughter had taken: '[It]is just pure vanity,' she said.

"I feel for the people who are unhappy and want to change things about themselves, but I am not a fan of it at all."

Three weeks post-surgery Antonia explains in the documentary that while her left labia healed perfectly, her right side was 'swollen and deformed'.

She has to revisit the clinic, which said it would 'give revision surgery if deemed necessary by the surgeon'.

Worried she would be horrified by what she saw, Antonia says: 'What I have now I should just be happy that it is better than what I had before.

"I would say it looks like a double cheeseburger, I wouldn't say it’s an actual sealed bun, but the meat is tucked inside it, it’s not a like a Big Mac with the fillings hanging out."

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