
Masterpiece EP praised at launch

Mr Seed said Masterpiece is all about good vibes


Sasa25 July 2021 - 21:00

In Summary

  • • Masterpiece said the title of the EP was inspired by his birthday
Singer Masterpiece

Gospel singer Emmanuel King, aka Masterpiece, on Saturday launched his debut EP, '24 The EP' at the Westwood Hotel, Westlands.

The invite-only event was attended by fellow musicians, family and friends. 

Speaking to Word Is, Masterpiece said the title of the EP was inspired by his birthday.

"I named this project '24 The EP' since I'm turning 24 today on the 24th. There will never be any day that I will turn 24 on a 24th, that’s why this day is special to me."

The six-track EP has featured several artistes, among them 'Mr Seed'. 

Masterpiece performed one of his singles alongside Mr Seed.

Bahati said such a project takes a lot of sacrifice and asked fans to watch the songs.

Mr Seed said Masterpiece is all about good vibes.


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