
Processed meats linked to dementia- studies show

Meats such as beef and everyday breakfast choice sausages could also increase your dementia risk.


Lifestyle22 January 2022 - 14:34

In Summary

•Dementia is the general term used for the impaired ability to remember, think or make decisions in regards to one's life.

• Studies have linked consumption of process meats to risks of developing dementia

A plate of processed raw sausages

If you were planning on cutting down on your meat intake, going vegetarian, or overall starting a healthier diet, now might be the right time to do so.

Recent studies have found that daily consumption of about 25g of processed meat is associated with a 44 percent increased risk of suffering from dementia.

Dementia is the general term used for the impaired ability to remember, think or make decisions in regards to one's life.

This impairment takes away someone's memories and personality. It's like having amnesia.

The above-mentioned amount of processed meat is equivalent to about one rasher of bacon.

A plate topped with bacon, sausages, deep fried chicken wings and baked beans

This means that the famous bacon sandwich that is served as a breakfast option or snack in most eateries could increase your risk of this brain condition.

However, according to the study, it's not only bacon but processed meats in general that are linked to an increased risk of developing dementia.

Meats such as beef, other meat-loaded sandwiches, and everyday breakfast choice sausages could also increase your dementia risk.

Scientists from the University of Leeds investigated the diet of 500,000 people trying to determine whether or not an association could be made between their diets and the development of dementia

According to The Express Lead researcher Huifeng Zhang, in the study which contained in-depth health and genetic information of half a million participants aged between 40-69 years across the UK,  said that the prevalence of dementia was increasing worldwide and diet is being linked as a modifiable factor to be playing a role in this increase.

Zhang added that their research provided evidence linking processed meat consumption to the growing body of the increased risk of a range of non-transmissible diseases. in general.

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