Edday Nderitu confirms separation with husband Samidoh

"I left the husband for whoever needed him more," she said.

In Summary
  • She has on constant occasions maintained that she will not raise her children in a polygamous family.
  • "I need peace only, I hope next episode of this series my name will be left out."
Edday Nderitu and Husband Samidoh
Edday Nderitu and Husband Samidoh

Edday Nderitu, the wife to Mugithi musician Samuel Muchoki alias Samidoh has confirmed their separation.

In a statement on Saturday, Edday said that she left her husband for "whoever needed him more".

She added that she made a decision to leave with her children from what she termed as toxic environment.

"Lemme clarify few things that were shared online and not accurate. I am not in any polygamous marriage as stated. I left the husband for whoever needed him more," Edday said.

"I made a decision to remove myself and my kids from that toxic environment especially my teen daughter who unfortunately is a direct recipient of unbelievable behaviour displayed."

Edday said that she has managed to sustain her children without the help of their father Samidoh.

She added that as she begins a new season in her life, she does not need drama.

"I need peace only, I hope next episode of this series my name will be left out."

Edday has on constant occasions maintained that she will not raise her children in a polygamous family.

“I have said to you and I am saying here again I will not raise my kids in a polygamy family, especially with a woman who is older than me by more than 10 years,” she said. 

This comes months after drama was experienced in Dubai between her and nominated Senator Karen Nyamu. 

Karen Nyamu and Edday Nderitu almost went physical during Samidoh's  Mugiithi show in Dubai on December 16, 2022.

It all started when Nyamu went straight to where Samidoh was seated and forcefully sat on his lap.

Edday who was with the singer stood from where she was seated, went and grabbed her husband's hand even as the security guards tried to separate the two women.

A viral video of the incident shows Karen Nyamu and Samidoh in a confrontation. And minutes later, Karen is said to have lost her cool and almost slapped her baby daddy when his bouncers intervened.

Edday stood up and tried to grab Karen away from her husband before Karen was taken away by the guards.

Recently,  Nyamu and Samidoh have been seen sharing close intimate moments at family events.

Edday relocated with her children to the United States, where she currently lives.

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