Steps to make fish cutlets from leftover fish

Fish leftovers can be used to prepare snacks such as fish flan and fish cutlets.

In Summary
  • Fish cutlets are steamed fish minced with spices, combined with potatoes, shaped into cutlets, and fried.
  • Beat the eggs in a cup then add the potatoes, parsley, and lemon juice and mix well. Then season it with salt and pepper.
Prepared fish cutlets June 22 ,2023
Prepared fish cutlets June 22 ,2023

Fish dishes are always delicious. Have you ever thought of coming up with another dish out of its leftovers?

Fish leftovers can be used to prepare snacks such as fish flan and fish cutlets.

Let's try and prepare fish cutlets, they are sweet and yummy.

Fish cutlets are steamed fish minced with spices, combined with potatoes, shaped into cutlets, and fried.

To prepare your fish cutlets you are required to have these ingredients.


  • 250 grams of fish leftovers 
  • 250 grams of creamed potatoes 
  • One teaspoon of chopped parsley 
  • Two teaspoons of lemon juice
  • Two eggs 
  • Salt 
  • Pepper powder 
  • Cooking oil 
  • Milk 
  • Margarine


Step 1

Peel and wash the potatoes, then boil the potatoes. Steam the fish over them to warm them.

Step 2

Remove any skin and bone from the fish.

Step 3

Mash the boiled potatoes with milk and margarine.

Step 4

Beat the eggs in a cup then add the potatoes, parsley, and lemon juice and mix well. Then season it with salt and pepper.

Step 5

Turn the mixture onto a floured pastry board and using your hands shape it into four rolls that are two centimetres thick.

Step 6 

Brush these rolls with beaten eggs and roll over bread crumbs.

Step 7

Deep fry in hot oil until golden brown.

When done serve your fish cutlets with any drink of your choice and enjoy.

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