
How to prepare chamomile tea at home

Chamomile tea may is beneficial for sleep, relaxation, and digestion as it has no caffeine.


Sasa05 March 2024 - 08:06

In Summary

  • It is a soothing drink taken whether you're relaxing after a hard day or trying to soothe a sore throat.
  • During rainy or cold seasons, tea craving heightens due to the cold. A cup of chamomile tea can come in handy as it provides warmth.
Chamomile tea

Chamomile tea is a pleasant and calming herbal drink that can be easily prepared from home.

It is a soothing drink taken whether you're relaxing after a hard day or trying to soothe a sore throat.

During rainy or cold seasons, tea craving heightens due to the cold. A cup of chamomile tea can come in handy as it provides warmth.

Chamomile tea may be also beneficial for sleep, relaxation, and digestion as it has no caffeine.

Drinking chamomile tea may also aid in lowering blood sugar levels.

Health experts have attested that diabetic people who consume chamomile tea daily with meals have lower average blood sugar levels.

A quick and enjoyable method to reap the advantages of chamomile tea's calming nature is to brew some at home. 

You can try experimenting with other combinations by including more herbs, such as mint or lavender to enhance flavor and scent.

Compared to other types of tea, the great advantage is that you can store it in a refrigerator in a sealed container. You can drink it hot or cold.


  • Tea bags filled with chamomile 
  • 2 cups of water
  • Optional flavorings: honey, lemon, or cinnamon

Step 1 

Boil 2 cups of water for 2 servings in a pot or kettle for 15 minutes.

Step 2

Set up the chamomile tea bags in two cups. Pour the boiling water in the cups.

Step 3

Give the chamomile around five minutes to steep in the heated water. This lets the taste and nutrients seep into the water.

If you want a stronger or milder flavor, you can always adjust the steeping time.

Step 4

Take the tea bags out of the water once it has steeped. You can strain the tea through a strainer preferably a fine-meshed strainer to get rid of any loose particles.

Step 5

You can also add cinnamon, lemon, or honey to your chamomile tea if you'd like. Mix these components thoroughly by stirring.

Step 6

When the chamomile tea is ready, serve it. Before you take a sip, pause to breathe in the calming scent. Enjoy the soothing flavor of chamomile by taking a slow sip.


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