Mabel doesn’t have children and intends to keep it that way. Read how she faces a constant battle with her family and friends over her decision.
I grew up a rebel. I’ve with boyfriends, I am not married despite being of appropriate age, and horror of horrors, I don’t want children.
It’s been a constant struggle, living with these decisions of mine. I deal with it by making light of the situation.
I love babies, I do! I have reached that stage in life where I am godmother to many of my close friends’ children. I just don’t want to have any of my own.
My decision is not one of those that will change because I am ‘still young and will feel different later’ or if I ‘meet the right person’ or once I ‘make enough money’ and so on.
I just don’t have maternal instincts. My ‘ doesn’t leap’ when I carry a child or when I see one being born. I love children as much as I would love a pet or a cherished friend. There is just no overwhelming desire to look at one and call them my own.
It is amazing how society automatically ostracises someone who doesn’t conform to their idea of what is right and what is necessary. My family has had to bear the brunt of my decision to be child-free the most. I’ve been called a workaholic (the mildest comment), immature, irresponsible, and a slut (you know, someone who has so that ‘accidents’ don’t happen).
I do not fit the stereotype. I am a very independent woman who has her own company. I am hardworking, fair and dependable. I treat people with respect. I am prudent with money.
The truth is I don’t want the responsibility. I don’t want to hold the future of anyone in my hands. I think a large part of my decision is based on the fact that I don’t want to bring another person into this world. It is a horrible world where women are treated with disrespect, where is as common as the flu, where people don’t have the freedom to speak out against injustice and where money and power are all that matter.
I am happier child-free. My company, my social life, my travel, my home library make me happy. In the future I want to explore new places, live in different cities, volunteer at different places. I want to use my talents to make a difference in the world.
I want to do a lot of things with my life. Raising a child isn’t one of them.