The causes of hair breakage in women

It's not easy to trace the root cause of hair loss but with time one will get to know why.

In Summary

•The use of chemicals can also make one loose her hair.

•Medical conditions like cancer and ringworm's can lead hair damage.

falling of the hair while combing
Image: google

There are numerous reasons why women might experience hair loss. These range from medical conditions to hormonal changes and even stress.

Its not easy to trace the root cause of hair loss but with time one will get to know why.

Some of these reasons include exposing your hair to so much heat. This happens when blow-drying, flirt ironing or even through the drier.

These machines produce a lot of heat that makes the hair weak when done frequently.

The use of chemicals can also make one loose her hair.

 When one puts chemical such as dyes and curl kits in their hair, the texture of hair changes and becomes soft in that when not treated properly it falls off.

Strong shampoos and conditioners contain ingredients that are not suitable for your hairs texture.

Women may experience hair loss during menopause due to reduced production of the hormone’s estrogen and progesterone in the body

Emotional or physical stress may also lead to hair loss. Things like a death in the family, major surgery, or a serious illness may cause the body to shut down certain processes like hair production.

Medical conditions like cancer and ringworm's can lead hair damage.

One can control this by treating and avoiding things that lead to hair loss. Avoid exposing the hair to a lot of heat and use the right chemicals on hair.

Regular treatment with the anti-breakage treatment is also important to have strong and healthy hair.

Avoid hard and strong products in case you don’t have vast knowledge about your hair or the product you are using. 

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