
The daycare contagion strikes again

Flu is the worst illness as it can spread to the whole household


Sasa24 September 2023 - 04:00

In Summary

  • • A kid with a runny nose is cause for alarm when I take my baby to the daycare
Illustration of children at a daycare

I have long said that nurseries and daycares are the root of all illnesses in babies and toddlers. In fact, it's not just me, it is a well known fact for everyone who works with children.

It's so common to have a child who goes to nursery or daycare come back with some type of viral or bacterial infection that they end up spreading to the whole household!

Mothers love school and daycares; not only are they good for the child’s development, they give mothers a much-needed break from being with their children all day and night.

However, the cost of sending our children to early childcare is high. Our babies will almost always be sick from one thing or the other. Then they end up spending more time at home, healing before resuming the cycle.

We have been back home for about a week. Our stay in the motherland seems like a faraway dream. But as we buckled down to prepare ourselves for the long winter ahead, we found ourselves battling a new childcare system.

We started a new daycare programme this week. The daycare is meant to introduce our son to the ways, language and culture of our host nation. It is also meant to ‘free’ me up so I can tackle some pending personal issues.

Anyway, as I take my child to the daycare this week, I find that rules dictate I must spend up to six weeks with him at the facility to help him get used to the new environment.

On our third day there, we met a new kid, who is a little bit younger than my son. As much as the kid was smiling, super cute, trying to get my son to play with him, all I could see was one thing: the runny nose!

I knew it! In that instant, I knew deep in my Kenyan veins that my child would get sick, too. Here we are, three days deep in flu territory. Sleepless nights, congestions, coughs, runny noses and the endless medicines prove just how much the flu is my biggest nemesis.

You see, with other illnesses, there’s usually a simple solution: take your child to the doctor and follow the prescribed treatments. But the flu is a nasty little bugger. Nothing cures it, yet everything is a possible treatment.

From regular over-the-counter medication, to home remedies, aromatherapy, ancient treatments, steaming… I’ve even gotten into trying out the hacks as suggested by other mums on social media platforms.

Whenever my son’s nose starts to trickle, I prepare for war! I get out my trusted vicks, nasal aspirator, diffuser, essential oils and all the medicines prescribed for mild ailments like flu. I go into routine, I give it my all, I mentally prepare for the long nights but by the third day, I’ve lost my focus and start scrambling on whatever home therapy that will give him a bit of respite.

Meanwhile, at the back of my mind, I know very well that all I am doing is easing his discomfort as nothing will cure him except time.

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