Close that laptop, dear, you have done enough!

I quit my job after realising how tired I was in the race of life

In Summary

• Your body deserves a break from time to time, worldly immersions can wait

A worker uses a laptop
A worker uses a laptop

I graduated on April 28 last year. A round of applause, please! If you did not clap, I see you!

Anyway, I cried so hard. That day marked the end of every other class and the end of so many relationships. For the first time in my life, the next steps were entirely on me. Before graduating, something whispered, do not go back to school (for my master's) just yet.

I completed my internship in June of that year. I did not feel quite ready to embark on any journey. My pride and ego would not let me stay home. With ego-driven goals, I got a job! No, do not clap. I ignored every fibre in my brain asking that I rest. That I should breathe just a little. Off I went.

Two months in and I quit. No, the job was not bad. I am forever grateful for the opportunity. Just that it was there that I realised how tired I was. I realised I would rather be home than there. I knew I did not want a traditional job but first, I had to rest.

In November, I felt my body shut down. I had enough money (from my savings) to last me a month and to pay for a couple of therapy sessions. So, I took a month off.

For one month, I ate, showered and slept — only. I would have probably moved back home and taken a vacation... But at that moment, I needed rest.

I understand you have a job and kids and other adult responsibilities that I did not have. But, in your way, you can prioritise rest.

There are different forms of rest: physical, emotional, sensory, creative, spiritual and mental.

As I do not wish to crash again, I am learning to incorporate these rests in my life.


I incorporate physical rest by sleeping for at least five hours a night. I also stretch my body. As I sit all day, my body is bound to get stiff. I find that Yin yoga gently stretches my body and sometimes I fall asleep almost immediately.


Emotional rest comes easily to me. I have no children, so I am not obligated to always listen to people. Some days I switch off my phone and nap. I am finding this type of rest requires self-awareness.

Check in with yourself regularly. How do you feel? And based on where you are, let people meet you here. Set boundaries. If you are not available for a meeting or cannot spare 10 minutes to listen to a friend, let them know. Also, maybe your emotional rest is tied by the tears you refuse to shed.


Meditation, journalling, yin yoga and therapy provide the mental rest I need. Sometimes thoughts suffocate us. In these times, write down what is troubling you, call a therapist or observe your breathing.


Every Sunday evening, a couple of people tweet about how rejuvenating being away from Nairobi is. Unplugging, listening to birds, meditating and watching the sunset are simple sensory rest activities.


In that one month, I did not pick up calls and only talked to the people I had to. I would not describe myself as an ambivert. Crowds drain me. I only feel recharged when I am alone. But, since I can hold a conversation and love people, I found myself being around people all the time. I have made it my mission to spend at least one hour alone every day.


Did I mention I did not write or pray in that month? All necessary prayers like, "Don't let me die in my worn-out PJs," were done the month before. I did not write because I did not have stories to tell. I now take creative rest by reading for fun. As for spiritual rest… please help!

Does this feel overwhelming? All the types of rests we need? I am cracking the code. You see, I went for a solo evening walk today. This means physical, social, emotional, sensory and creative rest are sorted. Combine your rest activities. Put your phone on 'Do not disturb' and stretch.

Remember, whenever you start to prioritise yourself, you will lose some. Buckle up! In whatever capacity, prioritise rest.

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