
'When They See Us' screened in Dandora

It sought to create awareness on the rights of persons arrested, the right to a fair trial.

by Wilfred Nyangaresi

Society18 July 2019 - 17:36

In Summary

• It documents unlawful arrest, wrongful charging over white woman's sexual assault 

Artistes Neymar Wolf, Edwin Mwangi, Aileen Wanjiku and Javan Ofula

Members of the public gathered at Mustard Seed Court, Dandora for a free public screening of the Netflix miniseries, 'When They See Us'.

The critically acclaimed movie by Ava DuVernay documents how four black boys and a Latina were unlawfully arrested for and wrongfully charged with sexually assaulting a white woman jogger, found nearly dead at Central Park.


The event, #WhenTheySeeUsKE, brought together ex-convicts, members of the judiciary, filmmakers, prisons personnel, human rights defenders and community gatekeepers.

It sought to create awareness on the rights of persons arrested, the right to a fair trial, prison reform, reintegration of former prisoners into the community and the role of the media in justice.

Audience follows the series
Halfway Home founder Humphrey Wainaina
Brando Kipkurui and Felishinah Wambui
Dandora youth testify on police brutality and injustice in court
AI Kenya safety campaign manager Demas Kiprono, Mbithi Masya and Al Kenya executive director Irungu Houghton

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