Swarovski Foundation, UN Partner to fund Sh17.1m for sustainable innovation

Six selected applicants will each receive €20,000 (Sh2.8million)

In Summary

•Nigeria has previously raised the continent’s banner, and boasts two alumni and programme beneficiaries - Joshua Ichor and Stanley Aniogbogu. 

•His efforts have increased communal access to clean water, which is crucial in regions that lack this basic necessity.

From fashion, to art, to engineering, the programme has supported 21 sustainable innovation projects since its launch in 2020
From fashion, to art, to engineering, the programme has supported 21 sustainable innovation projects since its launch in 2020

The Swarovski Foundation has announced the 2024 edition of its Creatives for Our Future programme, offering €120,000 (Sh17.1million) in funding for sustainable innovation projects.

The initiative, in partnership with the United Nations Office for Partnerships, is open to young creatives aged 21 to 30 from around the world with ideas that promote sustainable development.

Six selected applicants will each receive €20,000 (Sh2.8million), alongside educational programmes with international institutions, one-on-one mentorship, and networking opportunities to advance their projects and careers.

Swaroski Foundation Director Jakhya Rahman Corey, said Successful applicants will be notified and announced publicly in April 2025 at the United Nations Headquarters in New York. 

“The Swarovski Foundation’s mission is to promote sustainable livelihoods through education to reduce inequality. With the Creatives for Our Future programme, we can harness this through young creative talent seeking to break innovative ground and spearhead new approaches and ideas in sustainable development”, said Corey.

Since its inception in 2020, the programme has supported 21 projects, helping young innovators scale their ideas through funding, mentorship, and industry connections.

Nigeria has previously raised the continent’s banner, and boasts two alumni and programme beneficiaries - Joshua Ichor and Stanley Aniogbogu. 

Joshua developed a hand pump monitoring system and built a clean water kiosk for rural communities in sub-Saharan Africa.

His efforts have increased communal access to clean water, which is crucial in regions that lack this basic necessity.

His clean water kiosk has supplied more than 50,000 litres of clean water to community members, enabling over 10,000 people in sub-Saharan Africa to access clean water every day.

Thanks to the Creatives for Our Future programme, he has now been able to expand into Kenya and Uganda and hopes to install 50 new water monitoring systems before the end of the year. 

“We need young talents, from fashion to engineering, to use their creativity to tackle sustainable development challenges. With mentorship, industry connections, and funding, these young people are turning obstacles into opportunities and driving real progress toward the Sustainable Development Goals,” said Executive Director of the United Nations Office for Partnerships Annemarie Hou.

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