
Prince Arakaki fights for a healthy lifestyle

He plans to turn people's bodies into what he terms a 'wow crisp'


Sasa14 March 2021 - 06:43

In Summary

  • • He has worked with several public figures, says he is 'very affordable'
Prince Arakaki

Personal trainer Prince Arakaki says his aim is to get more people into living a healthy lifestyle.

The celebrity trainer has worked with different personalities, among them Mombasa Governor Hassan Joho, Mvita MP Abdulswamad Nassir and Sports CS Amina Mohamed.

"I am passionate and very enthusiastic about health and fitness. I feed my clients with a healthy lifestyle," he told Word Is on Friday.

Arakaki, who has been in the fitness business for 10 years, plans to turn people's bodies into what he terms a 'wow crisp'.

"I am glad that people recommend me to other people. As a personal trainer, we can either work from home or from the gym," he said.

He describes working with Governor Joho as a dream come true. "It was one of the best experiences because he is a very friendly guy. He is welcoming and the first time we met, I thought he was tough but I've never seen any person as dedicated as him."

Adding, "He wanted to do boxing and was challenged by Mvita MP, the two friends wanted to outshine each other. After boxing, we did weights and other exercises."

Apart from weights, Arakaki says change can be seen if one has a complete programme with diets. "Otherwise, you can't have results."

Diet plans are different for different clients. "We look at the client's objective and their body types. As a trainer, you need to understand this while preparing a programme," he said.

"You can eat whatever you want but it narrows down to portion control."

He terms his services as very affordable. "No one should be scared. With corona, I decided to give people an offer."

He is set to launch a self-titled sportswear and already has a cologne line. His plan is to launch an online gym by the end of the year.

"For those people who can't access the gym, I need to give them the know-how, which is important because you can workout wherever you are," he said.

"I am into logistics, too."

He wishes to some day work with the President. "It will be a challenge for me. I believe in him and I'd like to contribute to his success," he said.

He concluded, "If you can take care of your car, you can take care of your body."


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