
What is Zakayo Cheruiyot really up to?

THERE is never a dull moment in Rift Valley.These scenic valleys and breathtaking hills will soon turn into fully blown battlegrounds for votes.In the stampede for votes and political supremacy, some political giants could easily be trampled.This squabbling started as a cold war among a handful of political bigwigs in the region, but has metamorphosed into endless chest thumping, political contests and myopic attitudes.


Siasa19 January 2019 - 18:52
BIG FISH? : Zakayo Cheruiyot. ‘The cordial relationship between Cheruiyot and the DP nosedived - you can never find them in the same forum.’

THERE is never a dull moment in Rift Valley.

These scenic valleys and breathtaking hills will soon turn into fully blown battlegrounds for votes.

In the stampede for votes and political supremacy, some political giants could easily be trampled.

This squabbling started as a cold war among a handful of political bigwigs in the region, but has metamorphosed into endless chest thumping, political contests and myopic attitudes.

In other regions, especially Central, politicians who speak their minds or entertain any sort of independent thinking contrary to President Uhuru Kenyatta risk being ostracised politically.

This works miracles, but not in Rift Valley.

The hulking figures staring down at the DP are everywhere. They don’t listen to any threatening or cajoling voice.

Even retired President Daniel arap Moi had his share of political rebels, who he repelled as he knew best—through party expulsion.

Many politicians who tried to cross swords with him were left to freeze in a political Siberia never again to walk the corridors of power.

Since Moi retired in 2002, politicians in Rift Valley are answerable only to themselves and the electorate.

This is why the DP has been at a loss about what to do with politicians like Kuresoi South MP Zakayo Cheruiyot.

Popularly known as ZK, the legislator is among a few politicians who invested heavily in the United Republic Party ahead of the 2013 general elections.

But soon after the two parties took power, the cordial relationship between Cheruiyot and the DP nosedived - you can never find them in the same forum.

Recently the DP attended a fundraiser in Kuresoi South. Cheruiyot opted to fly to South Africa for a Pan African Parliamentary meeting just to avoid meeting the DP. That was only one among a series of meetings ZK has eschewed for that reason.

Community elders waiting to receive the DP wagged fingers at the absent host, telling him to respect Ruto.

The feud between the two leaders has festered into a huge wound.

There is no doubt the civil servant turned politician is charting a new political path. After all, he never swore fealty to the DP.

They say birds of a feather flock together.

The long serving former Internal Security PS, under retired President Moi, has been working closely with some birds of a feather.

He has been seen with Bomet Governor Isaac Rutto and Baringo Senator Gideon Moi on several occasions. This speaks volumes.

The DP and ZK no longer hide their dislike for each other.

The DP is looking for new political allies.

He is said to be sending emissaries to former Industrialisation minister Henry Kosgei with a message to join JAP as its chairman. But the soft-spoken politician – a man never known for making hurried decisions – is taking his time.

If the ruling coalition manages to net him, they will have a big fish on their side.

Kosgei is still popular in Nandi. If he joins Jubilee, he will be of great advantage to the party.

Political pundits say he is being groomed for the Nandi gubernatorial seat, to replace Governor Cleophas Lagat who has lost favour with the powers that be.

Kosgei vied for the Nandi senator’s seat in 2013 but lost to Stephen Sang’.

At the Kuresoi meeting, the DP told Cheruiyot to stop working with his enemies and instead concentrate on development projects in his constituency.

ZK is a man of deep pockets. If he wanted to embark on a project, he could do it without asking for handouts.

When sleuths from the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission paid him an early morning visit in March to investigate how he came to own his Lavington home, ZK read mischief in the whole thing.

He linked the raid to his position of unhidden disdain for JAP.

He recently told the DP to “stop chest thumping because JAP will not help him in his quest to succeed President Kenyatta in 2022”.

In response, the DP said he will “find someone to replace him in 2017”, if the MP continues undermining him.

I trust the DP’s words.

Look at Bomet, Kericho and Nandi counties. Already there are people lined up to give governors a hard time in 2017.

The DP’s eyes are set on 2022. He is leaving nothing to chance.

In all this scheming, one man will come out unscathed.

Who will it be?


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