OMWENGA: Let’s have truce on stolen elections

This starts with reconstitution of IEBC and having an agency that can deliver credible polls.

In Summary
  • In 2017 the Supreme Court annulled the first elections of that year citing daylight robbery and other criminality.
  • In 2022, the apex court went a different direction by dismissing opposition leader Raila's petition challenging the election of now President William Ruto.
Azimio la Umoja party agents at Bomas protest on August 14,2022.
ELECTION INTEGRITY: Azimio la Umoja party agents at Bomas protest on August 14,2022.

Former US President Donald Trump has been singing like a canary bird that his election was stolen by President Joe Biden in 2020. Truth is—and he knows this, the now MAGA cult leader was trounced at the polls by Biden.

There are not buts and ifs about that and if in doubt, check with federal courts in the US, which dismissed all 60 cases Trump and his minions filed to challenge the election.

Many of these cases were presided over by judges Trump appointed during his accidental presidency removing any doubt as to the election outcome. The courts also confirmed this lie about stolen 2020 election is nothing but a figment of Trump’s imagination that he infected on his gullible cult-like followers.

Trump now faces criminal charges for his failed coup attempt of January 6, 2021, when the now twice-impeached, criminally indicted failed former president called a mob to Washington in a futile attempt to stop Congress from certifying the legitimate results of 2020 elections.

As in 2020, sober independents will save America from going to the dogs by once again joining Democrats and rational Republicans in rejecting this person who many of his opponents call names not worth repeating.

Trump’s shouting from the mountains that he won the 2020 elections and that the elections were stolen from him is as hollow and without any basis in fact.

Is the situation in Kenya the same or different? Have elections been stolen in Kenya since our independence? Of course. The only credible, free, and transparent elections we had was in 2002. Every election we have since has been marred with all manner of election irregularities, daylight robbery and in between with the highlight (or darkest) being 2007 following which the country almost went into a civil war.

In 2013, neither now retired President Uhuru Kenyatta nor Raila won the requisite 50 per cent+1 but Raila performed so poorly compared to 2007 the powers that be decided to dispense with round two and simply have Uhuru sworn in as president—and he was.

In 2017 the Supreme Court annulled the first elections of that year citing daylight robbery and other criminality.

In 2022, the apex court went a different direction by dismissing opposition leader Raila's petition challenging the election of now President William Ruto.

The Azimio leader and his supporters maintain he was rigged out. The President and his supporters maintain he was not, arguing that Raila was not only not rigged out, but he was also beaten fair and square alongside his brother from the mountain. There is some truth in that — in fact, there is a whole lot of truth in that.

Given how emotionally and in some cases how financially people are invested in their political trenches, it is unlikely that one can be convinced to switch positions as to whether Raila was rigged out in 2022 or not.

People will continue to believe what they believe until the next election circle and beyond, and circle will likely repeat, unless something is done to end this madness once and for all.

That something is for both sides to call it a truce and let’s have a clean start for 2027, starting with reconstitution of the IEBC and, for God’s sake, at least have an agency that can deliver a credible election for which both winners and losers can say a job well done!

It is not that complicated or impossible a task to undertake if only we can have men and women of integrity and honour who uphold the constitution and oath of office than bending to any pressure or anyone.

It sounds impossible but it can be done, otherwise we shall continue to go through these circles of violence and when there is no violence, absolute stagnation of economic activity owing to bickering and demonstrations that paralyse everything.

Is it worth it?

Let sober minds say no and do something about it.

It starts from the top and we know the President has this rare trait of not being one who is all that covetous of power that he will cling to it at whatever cost.

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