MWAMISI: Unified Ruto-Raila front most practical way of securing Kenya’s future

Gen Z reject recycling of some faces back into the Cabinet, saying Kenya is full of young, energetic and experienced people.

In Summary
  • Don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater, to make a gesture; it still has value.
  • Inclusivity is essential for development.
Azimio leader Raila Odinga speaks on the steps of KICC after witnessing the signing of the IEBC Amendment Bill, 2024 by President William Ruto, July 9, 2024.
POLITICAL REFORMS: Azimio leader Raila Odinga speaks on the steps of KICC after witnessing the signing of the IEBC Amendment Bill, 2024 by President William Ruto, July 9, 2024.

Kenya stands at a critical juncture, with President William Ruto striving to navigate a series of formidable challenges.

The inclusion of stalwarts from the Orange Democratic Party into the government marks a significant and strategic move to bridge political divides and strengthen national unity.

This collaboration between President Ruto and Raila Odinga addresses the political vacuum that had partly fuelled the Gen Z protests, injecting fresh perspectives and new ideas into the government.

This moment offers a unique opportunity for the international community, particularly the United States, to demonstrate solidarity and support for Kenya.

The alliance is more than a political manoeuvre; it is a crucial step towards ensuring effective governance and stability.

Since assuming office in 2022, the Kenyan government has embarked on a series of reforms in the public service, which have been aimed at enhancing governance and combating corruption.

By undertaking to integrate Raila’s team of John Mbadi, Hassan Joho, Wycliffe Oparanya and Opiyo Wandayi into the administration, President Ruto has smartly capitalised on the vast experience and innovative ideas that this collaboration brings.

This partnership not only helps to stabilise the government but also strengthens the nation’s capacity to address pressing socioeconomic challenges.

The allocation of key ministries such as Energy, Finance, Mining and Cooperatives to Raila Odinga’s allies signifies President Ruto’s desire for change, and his commitment to a transformative policy approach aimed at driving economic progress, creating jobs for the youth and lowering the cost of living.

The Ministry of Energy, under Raila’s team, will advance Kenya’s renewable energy agenda, attracting investment and creating green jobs.

The Ministry of Finance is essential for implementing sound financial strategies to stimulate growth and ensure stability.

The Ministry of Mining can boost industrialisation and employment, while the Ministry of Cooperatives supports community-driven economic activities and SMEs.

By entrusting these vital sectors to Raila’s allies, the President aims to infuse fresh perspectives and innovative solutions into government, uplifting the economy and improving living standards.

The new approach requires the support of Kenyans but also the international community.

The latter has several compelling reasons to bolster Kenya during this transformative period: Kenya has emerged as a leader in the global fight against climate change.

Its ongoing heavy investments in geothermal, wind and solar energy underscore its commitment to renewable energy and sustainable practices.

Kenya’s progress in transitioning to green energy serves as a model for other developing nations. The international community’s support for Kenya’s stability is, therefore, an investment in the global effort to combat climate change.

Political instability would not only hinder its climate goals but also impact global climate initiatives.

Kenya’s stability is paramount to the well-being of the entire East African region

. As a hub for trade, finance and transportation, Kenya influences the stability and economic health of its neighbours, including South Sudan, Somalia and Ethiopia.

The international community’s support for Kenya is a strategic move to ensure regional stability and economic growth.

A stable Kenya can play a pivotal role in addressing conflicts and fostering development in the region.

Kenya has made notable strides in democratic governance, despite facing recent challenges.

The ‘Gen Z’ protests, although eventually turning violent, were a testament to the prevailing freedom of expression in the country.

Continued support for Kenya at this critical juncture is essential for reinforcing democratic principles in the region.

Western democracies, in particular, have a vested interest in promoting governance systems that reflect transparency, accountability, and the rule of law.

Supporting Kenya strengthens these values and helps prevent the descent into autocracy and chaos.

Raila’s extensive experience in both local and international politics provides a wealth of knowledge and strategic vision crucial for Kenya’s progress.

His inclusion in the government brings a balancing effect, fostering a collaborative approach that enhances the diversity of perspectives within the administration.

This inclusivity is essential for political stability and national development.

The ODM leader's political career spans decades, with significant contributions to Kenya’s political landscape.

He played a central role in the clamour for and attainment of a new constitution, dedicating much of his career to reforms.

His long-standing international engagements have endowed him with a deep understanding of global politics and diplomacy.

During the 2007-8 electoral turmoil, Raila prioritised peace and stability, demonstrating his commitment to Kenya’s well-being.

Raila’s focus on international relations, including his potential leadership at the African Union Commission, positions him as a key player in strengthening Kenya’s global ties.

His experience is invaluable in navigating complex international waters, attracting foreign investment and enhancing bilateral relations.

The presence of his allies in the government will bridge gaps, foster dialogue and facilitate more effective policy implementation, driving economic growth and addressing sociopolitical challenges more efficiently.

The international community and Kenyans themselves must recognise the urgency of supporting this unity between Ruto and Raila.

While social media activists will continue to present this as a dreadful thing, the potential benefits of a stable, prosperous and democratic Kenya extend far beyond its borders.

This is a call to action for governments, international organisations and global leaders to stand with Kenya, offering the support and solidarity needed to navigate these turbulent times.

By supporting Kenya, the international community will continue to invest in a stable, democratic, and prosperous future for the region and the world.

President Ruto has made a radical move which would put any one in his position in a vexing state, but his courage and patriotism have enabled him to undertake this to ensure that Kenya does not descend into chaos but instead rises as a beacon of hope and progress in the region and beyond.

Political commentator 

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