CS Namwamba wants newly-unveiled committees to hit ground running

The CS spoke at a function held in a Nairobi hotel on Wednesday to unveil committees established to promote sports development in the country.

In Summary

• “We have to reflect on how we have performed as a country over the years and ask ourselves why other countries are performing better,” Namwamba observed.

• Education PS Belio Kipsang echoed the CS’s sentiments, saying Kenyan schools would be adequately equipped to run programs in line with the government’s goals.

Sports CS Ababu Namwamba presents Kelvin Kiprop with the silver medal after finishing second in the U20 8km race during the Sirikwa Cross Country Tour on February 4 at the Lobo Village, Uasin Gishu County
Sports CS Ababu Namwamba presents Kelvin Kiprop with the silver medal after finishing second in the U20 8km race during the Sirikwa Cross Country Tour on February 4 at the Lobo Village, Uasin Gishu County

Cabinet Secretary for Sports, Ababu Namwamba, wants those in charge of sports to find innovative ways to propel the country to new heights.

The CS spoke at a function held in a Nairobi hotel on Wednesday to unveil committees established to promote sports development in the country.

“We have to reflect on how we have performed as a country over the years and ask ourselves why other countries are performing better,” Namwamba observed.

“That’s why we don’t want to think outside the box. We’re not even interested in the box. The initiative’s goal is to burn the box. We need new ideas.”

Namwamba reaffirmed the government’s desire to identify and develop talent at the grassroots level through the nationwide bottom-up football tournament, which will include teams from all 47 counties.

“We are introducing new ideas to guide the country to greatness, which is why we have devised the novel idea of a countrywide football tournament to help us tap into the existing pool of talent,” he said.

Education PS Belio Kipsang echoed the CS’s sentiments, saying Kenyan schools would be adequately equipped to run programs in line with the government’s goals.

“Our schools are a source of talent. We in the school and educational system want to remain a source of talent. We are collaborating with the Ministry of Sports to identify schools that will function as academies and nurture specific sports,” Kipsang said.

Sports PS Jonathan Mueke revealed plans to enlist the private sector’s help in driving the government’s agenda.

“The government is partnering with the private sector for sponsorship and branding,” Mueke stated. “The federations will be at the centre of this, with the government integrating into their programs. Collaboration with all sectors is our key strength.”

Namwamba introduced the Sports Technical and WRC Safari Rally committees during the launch.

Media personality, Carol Radull, will head the Sports Technical Committee tasked with proposing legislative and policy measures to promote the growth of sports in the country

Part of the committee’s mandate is to support programs and efforts aimed at qualifying the Harambee Stars for the 2030 World Cup.

Other members of the committee include 2015 world javelin champion and 2016 Olympics silver medallist Julius Yego and former football internationals Boniface Ambani and Sammy Shollei among others.

The CS also unveiled the WRC Safari Rally Project’s Steering and Organising committees.

Namwamba said the Steering Committee will provide policy guidance and an organisational framework that meets international standards for hosting the WRC.

The CS will chair the Steering Committee and will be deputised by Jonathan Mueke, Principal Secretary for Sports.

Kenya Motor Sports Federation (KMSF) chairman, Phineas Kimathi, has been appointed secretary of the Steering Committee.

Kimathi will sit on the Organising Committee which will include representatives from the National Youth Service, Council of Governors,

Ministry of Roads and Transport, and Ministry of Interior. The Organising Committee will be chaired by rally driver Carl 'Flash' Tundo, who will be deputised by Brian Mutembei.