Sheghu promises to stay on course after impressive results

Sheghu lavished praise on her navigator Linet Ayuko, saying they strike up a natural chemistry, which propelled them to success

In Summary

•Sheghu, navigated by Linet Ayuko, finished 13th overall in the KNRC category. In an interview on Thursday, Sheghu said she was thrilled with her debut WRC Safari Rally performance.

•Sheghu is now appealing to the government to facilitate the entry of female crews into rallies abroad.

Pauline Sheghu's machine ahead of Safari Rally later this month
Pauline Sheghu's machine ahead of Safari Rally later this month
Image: HANDout

Four Kenyan female drivers dared the big wheels of the industry to an abrasive duel during the seventh leg of the WRC Safari Rally held last week.

One of them was media personality Pauline Sheghu, who combed through the Kenyan jungles in a Subaru N10. It was the first time the celebrated news anchor steered herself to glory in the premier annual motor showpiece.

Sheghu, navigated by Linet Ayuko, finished 13th overall in the KNRC category. In an interview on Thursday, Sheghu said she was thrilled with her debut WRC Safari Rally performance.

“I’m extremely happy to have finished the Safari Rally this year. The vehicle was in good condition and I’m satisfied with my performance considering how tough the terrain was. The rain that pounded the ground made it quite slippery,” Sheghu said.

“Most of the stages were extremely tough with fesh fesh and so many rocks. I’m glad I managed to push myself to the end. The toughest stage this year was Sleeping Warrior which was long, rocky, and Slippery,” she added.

Sheghu lavished praise on her navigator Linet Ayuko, saying they strike up a natural chemistry, which propelled them to success.

“I hope to continue working with Linet as my navigator. She has accumulated a lot of experience during the seven years she has navigated for various drivers in the rally. Her assistance was immeasurable. We gelled quite well as a team.”

The seasoned media expert expressed gratitude for the immense support that all the female crews received from the government.

“I’m happy I fulfilled the promise I made to Sports Cabinet Secretary Ababu Namwamba, that I’d finish the rally. The government support encouraged me to do my best.”

Sheghu is now appealing to the government to facilitate the entry of female crews into rallies abroad. “I’m appealing to Sports CS to find ways of sponsoring female crews to rallies outside the country. I intend to participate in rallies that will be held in Rwanda and Tanzania.

She extolled female drivers for putting up a valiant fight in the rally and urged them to gear up for future races.

“My hearty congratulations to all three Talanta Hela ladies’ teams. This is just the beginning of a promising journey. Our performance has lent credence to the saying that ‘what a man can do, a woman can do better’.

“People who aspire to greatness must be ready to dare the world in the face unless they are willing to settle for the ordinary. Only the faint-hearted are scared stiff. Women should come out and face the challenges.”