Osotsi wants National Assembly to probe stadiums in Vihiga county

Osotsi noted that teams from Vihiga County like Vihiga Queens and Vihiga Bullets incur a lot of expenses hiring fields in Kakamega County for their home matches.

In Summary

•Osotsi said the report from the committee should name contractors who won tenders, state total funds allocated for works done so far, and the actual expenditure incurred to date.

•The lawmaker said the government should outline measures put in place to expedite the completion of the stadiums for use by Vihiga-based teams participating in national leagues.

Vihiga Senator Godfrey Osotsi with his Narok County counterpart Ledama Olekina
Vihiga Senator Godfrey Osotsi with his Narok County counterpart Ledama Olekina

Vihiga senator Godfrey Osotsi wants the National Assembly to probe the current status of stadiums in the county.

Seeking a statement from the Senate Committee on Roads, Transport and Housing, Osotsi said the report from the committee should name contractors who won tenders, state total funds allocated for works done so far, and the actual expenditure incurred to date.

He further wants the report to give details of the amount earmarked for the construction of stadiums in Vihiga County in the financial year 2023/2024 and reasons for the delayed completion.

The lawmaker said the government should outline measures put in place to expedite the completion of the stadiums for use by Vihiga-based teams participating in national leagues.

“The committee, in its report, should indicate the expected dates of completion of works on stadiums, and furnish the senate with the original Bill of Quantiles (BQs) for the projects stating any variations that may have occurred vis-a-vis the initial projects plans,” Osotsi stated in his statement.

Osotsi noted that teams from Vihiga County like Vihiga Queens and Vihiga Bullets incur a lot of expenses hiring fields in Kakamega County for their home matches.

“The state of playing grounds in Vihiga County is wanting. I urge the County Government of Vihiga to move with speed and ensure they upgrade the playing fields to enable our teams to play their home games within the county,” said Osotsi.

The lawmaker noted that Vihiga County has Mumboha, Hamisi, and Kidundu stadiums which if well upgraded can serve as the home grounds for the local clubs among them Bunyore Starlets, Vihiga Queens, and Madira Soccer Assassins who play in Kenya Women Premier League (KWPL).

He added that the fields could also serve Luanda Villa, Mulembe FC and Vihiga Bullets playing in the National  Super Leagues. 

On the same note, Vihiga CEC for Sports Onzere Mulongo said Vihiga County is planning to upgrade its playing grounds to the required standards.

Onzere regretted that most playing grounds in Vihiga County are in a poor state and do not meet FKF-required standards.

He said Vihiga Bullets and Vihiga Queens are forced to play their home matches at Mumias Complex Stadium and Bukhungu Stadium in Kakamega where they pay a lot of money.