Cricket Kenya suspends treasurer Solanki amid funds probe

In a statement issued by Cricket Kenya CEO Ronald Bukusi, the federation said Solanki's suspension took effect on August 29.

In Summary

• “Following a resolution by the Executive Board of Cricket Kenya on Wednesday, August 28, 2024, a Sub-Committee has been formed. The members include Pauline Njeru (or alternatively, Beryl Oyugi), Pearlyne Omamo, and the Sports Registrar or a person appointed by her office,” the statement read on.

• The committee is expected to submit a detailed report of its findings at the next AGM.

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Cricket Kenya has suspended treasurer, Kalpesh Solanki, to allow for an investigation into the management of the federation’s funds.

In a statement issued by Cricket Kenya CEO Ronald Bukusi, the federation said Solanki's suspension took effect on August 29.

“Kalpesh Solanki is hereby suspended as treasurer of Cricket Kenya, effective Thursday, August 29, 2024,” the statement read.

Efforts to get a comment from Kalpesh bore no fruits with calls not answered and a message not replied to by the time of going to press.

The statement further revealed that a committee has been established to investigate the matter.

“Following a resolution by the Executive Board of Cricket Kenya on Wednesday, August 28, 2024, a Sub-Committee has been formed. The members include Pauline Njeru (or alternatively, Beryl Oyugi), Pearlyne Omamo, and the Sports Registrar or a person appointed by her office,” the statement read.

The committee's mandate is to investigate discrepancies in the jersey fund from 2022 and the overall management of Cricket Kenya’s finances.

“The Sub-Committee will examine whether the jersey funds received by Kalpesh Solanki in 2022 were utilised correctly, in line with the budget, court orders, and Cricket Kenya policies.”

“It will also assess the financial management and utilisation of Cricket Kenya funds since the current board took over until August 28, 2024."

"This includes determining whether payments were made in accordance with the Cricket Kenya Constitution, administrative policies, board resolutions, and the funding conditions imposed by the International Cricket Council.”

The committee is expected to submit a detailed report of its findings at the next annual general meeting.

“A signed report with findings and recommendations will be presented to the Cricket Kenya Council at the upcoming AGM for a final decision,” the statement read.

Additionally, the statement announced changes in the federation’s management structure.

“Following this, the bank mandate for Cricket Kenya will be updated. Kennedy Obuya will act as interim treasurer and will be added as a signatory to all Cricket Kenya bank accounts.”

“Alongside chair Manoj Patel and vice chair Maina Kamau, interim treasurer Kennedy Obuya and Beryl Oyugi will serve as signatories for all accounts. CEO Ronald Bukusi will also be a mandatory signatory, with the mandate requiring any two signatories along with the CEO.”