Para-rower Sururu to bank on Compiegne camp experience for Paralympic success

Sururu has been intensifying her pre-Paralympic training for the past two weeks under the watchful eyes of seasoned French rowing coach Claude Yessad

In Summary

•  “I have been learning new things here every day and I plan to put my training into use when the action begins in Paris,” Sururu said.

• As a farewell gesture, the SNC Aviron Rowing Club led by Yessad and his team organized a send-off party for Sururu and her coach, Mirriam Amakobe Nandwa.

Para-rower Asiya Sururu
Para-rower Asiya Sururu

Kenyan para-rower Asiya Sururu seeks to capitalise on the experience gained at the Compiegne camp for success at the Paris Paralympic Games slated to start on Wednesday.

Sururu has been intensifying her pre-paralympic training for the past two weeks under the watchful eye of seasoned French rowing coach Claude Yessad alongside two other French coaches.

Sururu believes the training will pay dividends as she takes to the waters in Paris. “I have been learning new things here every day and I plan to put my training into use when the action begins in Paris,” Sururu said.

The camp was more than just a training ground; it was a game-changer for Sururu.

She credited the coaches for their technical guidance, which she says has significantly enhanced her rowing performance.

“My two weeks in Compiegne has been very helpful for me and I want to thank the coaches for their technical and training support,” Sururu noted.

“I have learnt a lot, for instance, I used to do short strokes when I arrived and I was told to try long strokes and they are working pretty well for me,” she added.

As a farewell gesture, the SNC Aviron Rowing Club led by Yessad and his team organised a send-off party for Sururu and her coach, Miriam Amakobe Nandwa.

Yessad expressed confidence in Sururu’s ability to secure a podium finish, highlighting her daily improvements as a testament to her determination.

“Since her arrival, Asiya has shown remarkable progress. I firmly believe she can reach the medal bracket in Paris,” Yessad said.

He added: “We were working with a team of three coaches. We shared her daily performance and programme as well as the areas that needed to be improved on via email and we made sure they were addressed. So we are sure she is well polished now and we wish her well.”

The club also promised to attend Sururu’s competitive sessions which will be on Friday (August 30).

Coach Nandwa also praised the camp’s impact on Sururu, noting a significant reduction in her 2-kilometre rowing time—from 14 minutes to just over 11 minutes.

“She has improved immensely and we’re confident of a medal at the Games,” Nandwa added.

With the Paris Paralympics fast approaching, Team Kenya departed for Paris yesterday, ready to make their mark on the global stage.

Para-rower Asiya Sururu
Para-rower Asiya Sururu