AK announces passing of legendary starter Nyatome

Nyatome, a pioneer race starter, was instrumental in shaping the sport for over five decades.

In Summary

• “It is with a heavy heart that we announce the passing on of Francis Nyatome who was a pioneer race starter in Kenya and one of those pivotal to the growth of athletics in the country.”

• Before joining athletics, Nyatome began his sporting journey as a footballer in Nyaribari Chache, later shifting his focus to athletics where he specialized in the 400m race.

Francis Nyatome during a past event
Francis Nyatome during a past event
Image: /FILE

Athletics Kenya have announced the death of legendary race starter Francis Nyatome who passed away on Thursday.

Nyatome, a pioneer race starter, was instrumental in shaping the sport for over five decades.

In a heartfelt statement, the federation highlighted Nyatome's invaluable contribution to the development of athletics in the country. 

“It is with a heavy heart that we announce the passing on of Francis Nyatome who was a pioneer race starter in Kenya and one of those pivotal to the growth of athletics in the country.”

Nyatome's passion for the sport, as well as his unwavering dedication to the rules, made him a cornerstone of Kenya’s athletic success.

“His longstanding role as a starter was heartfelt, borne out of the passion he not only had for athletics but for sports. He carried out his duties with unwavering loyalty to the rules and regulations of athletics and a desire to see the sport bud and blossom.”

Before joining athletics, Nyatome began his sporting journey as a footballer in Nyaribari Chache, later shifting his focus to athletics where he specialized in the 400m race.

“It is against this background of sports that he fully understood the importance of a starter as far as the success of an athletics competition is concerned. “

“The passion and integrity with which Nyatome conducted his duties were an inspiration to many who became drawn to a career as a starter.”

His influence extended beyond the track, as Nyatome mentored many aspiring race starters, helping shape a new generation of technical officials.

 “As a result of this selfless act, Kenyan athletics is now rich with qualified starters and other technical officials who have provided their services beyond the country’s borders.”

The statement went on to praise Nyatome for his outstanding devotion.

“Even as we mourn his demise, AK takes pride in having known a man of Nyatome’s calibre – one who gave his life to the growth of Kenyan athletics and inspired many of us at Riadha House with his unblemished character.”

“He has left behind an indelible template for all athletics stakeholders on how to fulfil their respective roles and take the sport forward. The best tribute to him would be to continue his great work in Kenyan athletics and bring many more like him to the fore.”