Hussein up in arms over harassment by 'FKF officials'

He termed the conduct of the said officials as malicious and a blatant violation of his civil and fundamental constitutional rights.

In Summary

•Mohammed lashed out at a section of Football Kenya Federation (FKF) officials, claiming they had, on countless occasions, conducted themselves in a manner that undermines the values of football and flouts the laws of our nation.

•Hussein said he had continuously initiated and rolled out programs, that created opportunities for thousands of footballers and sports administrators at all levels of the game

Hussein Mohammed during media briefing
Hussein Mohammed during media briefing
Hussein Mohammed during media briefing
Hussein Mohammed during media briefing

Renowned football administrator Hussein Mohammed has called for prompt action to cleanse the mess that has bedeviled the local football scene.

The Murang’a Seal FC official lashed out at a section of Football Kenya Federation (FKF) officials, claiming they had, on countless occasions, conducted themselves in a manner that undermines the values of football and flouts the laws of our nation.

“As an official of Kenya Premier League side Murang’a Seal and the CEO of Extreme Sports Ltd, I have invested over 20 years of my professional life in advancing a football development agenda that cuts across the country and more so at the grassroots level,” Hussein remarked.

Hussein said he had continuously initiated and rolled out programs, that created opportunities for thousands of footballers and sports administrators at all levels of the game, some of whom enjoy leadership roles in the FKF structures today.

“Regrettably, some of these officials have taken the tyrannical route and used their positions to threaten, oppress, and blackmail football stakeholders,” Hussein stated.

“I have repeatedly been subjected to discrimination, and intimidation for participating in football-related activities orchestrated by certain members of the Football Kenya Federation,” he added.

He termed the conduct of the said officials as malicious and a blatant violation of his civil and fundamental constitutional rights.

“On December 31, 2023, while making my way to attend the Genowa Cup finals in Homa Bay County, I received a call from a gentleman who introduced himself as an official of FKF Homa Bay Branch,” Hussein said.

“He informed me that I was not allowed to attend the games as they had received instructions from FKF head office in Nairobi to block my entry to the Raila Odinga Stadium,” he added.

Hussein said he was received and ushered into the facility by county government officials given he attended the event as the governor’s guest.

“A tense and volatile stand-off ensued as the FKF branch officials refused to proceed with the games and immediately withdrew referees as they demanded that I leave the stadium,” Hussein said.

“The host county officials and the governor were baffled by the reaction of the FKF officials as their protestations had no merit nor logic. The intervention of the Governor, her team, and local law enforcement authorities ensured that my constitutional rights were protected and I am truly grateful to them for standing their ground against tyranny and impunity.”

Hussein said it was not the first time he had been subjected to such contempt.

“I wish this was a single isolated incident. If it were, I wouldn’t bother you today. I have faced and weathered several instances of sabotage, discrimination, and isolation from mainstream football activities in the past, some of which are already in the public domain,” Hussein remarked.

“In 2015, FKF refused to affiliate with the Extreme Sports Super 8 tournament and threatened sponsors associated with the initiative. The federation instituted a court case against Extreme Sports but later withdrew after realizing they had no case.

“In 2018, Extreme Sports was contracted by a local gaming company to manage the Ronaldinho Kenya tour but yet again, threats and sanctions were directed towards the sponsors, clubs, and officials of teams participating in the scheduled events,” he added.

He said he has decided to vent out his spleen in public given the behaviour has now become dangerously unsettling and requires immediate and deliberate intervention ‘if we are to restore sanity to this critical sector’.

“I am here to stand up against all forms of discrimination, intimidation, and impunity in the sports sector. As stated above according to Article 4 of the Fifa Statutes, discrimination of any kind regardless of political opinion or any other opinion is strictly prohibited and attracts heavy sanctions such as suspension or expulsions.

“Article 2 of the Caf Statute states that one of the objectives is to prevent practices or procedures which may jeopardise the integrity of the game, or give rise to any form of abuse of the game of football.”

He called for the objective promotion of football free from discrimination against any person on any grounds.

“Fifa and Caf are strong advocates of a healthy enabling environment for the promotion of the game and thus the acts of impunity by the FKF must be called out and condemned seriously,” Hussein remarked.

“These actions portray a federation that has run its affairs with impunity, a lack of governance and ethics putting the image of the game in disrepute,” he added.

He went on to cite Article 36 (1) of the country’s Constitution which guarantees everyone the right to freedom of association, a right he intends to enjoy without fear or intimidation from any quarters.