Singh bags penultimate round of 2023 NCBA Series at Great Rift Lodge

The last qualifying round heads to Sigona Golf Club before reconvening at the same club in December for the Grand Finale

In Summary

•Singh, playing off handicap four, rose head and shoulders above a field of 165 golfers to take the overall title.

•Clinching the men’s runner-up spot was Jimna Mbaru after carding a solid round of 90 gross.

NCBA Group Director for Asset Finance, Lennox Mugambi (L) hands over prize to Sarat Singh, the overall winner of the NCBA Golf Series at Great Rift Valley Lodge & Golf Resort.
NCBA Group Director for Asset Finance, Lennox Mugambi (L) hands over prize to Sarat Singh, the overall winner of the NCBA Golf Series at Great Rift Valley Lodge & Golf Resort.

Sarat Singh clinched the 13th and penultimate leg of the NCBA Golf Series held at the Great Rift Valley Lodge and Golf Resort.

Singh, playing off handicap four, rose head and shoulders above a field of 165 golfers to take the overall title.

He carded an impressive round of 75 gross to emerge triumphant on the day after fending off competition from fellow golfers, among them Prof. Njuguna Ndung’u, who was playing off handicap eight, and who emerged the men's gross category winner with 84 gross.

Clinching the men’s runner-up spot was Jimna Mbaru after carding a solid round of 90 gross. In the ladies' category, Nancy Ndung’u, playing off handicap six, emerged top with an impressive score of 84 gross. She beat her club-mate Jane Gikonyo, playing off handicap eight, by four shots to relegate her to second spot. 

In the overall nett category among the men players, John Mbuu, playing off handicap 28, emerged the winner with a score of 72nett. Among the ladies, Sissel Rene, playing off a handicap of 29, clinched the overall nett category title with an impressive score of 64nett.

Meanwhile, the junior category witnessed a remarkable display of talent, with Pari Maisuria emerging as the winner. Playing off a handicap of 27, Maisuria’s score of 104 gross was sufficient to earn him the bragging rights among the juniors.

Among the NCBA guest players, Dennis Chebitwey was crowned the winner after carding a round of 66 nett whilst Jimmy Mwangondi was the best player on the day among the NCBA staff with a score of 73 nett.

In other results, Dr Mutisya Mutheu and Medrine Kariuki demonstrated precision in their play, securing the nearest-to-the-pin titles in the men's and ladies' categories at the eighth and third holes respectively.

In the longest drive contest, Peter Ng’ang’a and Susan Hiuko were awarded winners having teed it the furthest in the men’s and ladies’ categories at the 17th and 14th holes respectively.

Speaking during the prize-giving ceremony of the tournament, NCBA Group Asset Finance Director, Lennox Mugambi said: “The 2023 NCBA Golf Series has been a resounding success since its launch in March this year. Throughout this journey, we have traversed various golf courses across the nation and interacted with many of our stakeholders in the golf community. Today's event marks the thirteenth instalment in the series, and we still have one more qualifying event scheduled at Sigona Golf Club before reconvening at the same club in December for the Grand Finale.”