
Biochar fertiliser: A revolutionary solution for farmers in Western

It is said to have the ability to prevent nutrient leaching and sustain soil fertility


Counties09 November 2023 - 18:00

In Summary

  • Biochar is an organic fertiliser, derived from the process of pyrolysis, offers a promising solution to their long-standing agricultural woes.
  • With its ability to prevent nutrient leaching and sustain soil fertility, biochar fertiliser carries the promise of transforming their farms and improving their livelihoods.
Joe Kariuki, the director of the Green Planting Campaign (GPC) lead farmers in applying Biochar fertilizer on a farm in Kakamega on November,07,2023.

Farmers in the Western region have long struggled with the challenges of low crop yields and soil degradation faced with diminishing harvests and a desperate need for sustainable solutions.

Farmers’ hopes were ignited when they learned about the potential of biochar fertiliser.

Biochar is an organic fertiliser, derived from the process of pyrolysis, it offers a promising solution to their long-standing agricultural woes.

With its ability to prevent nutrient leaching and sustain soil fertility, the fertiliser carries the promise of transforming their farms and improving their livelihoods.

The farmers say they have been struggling with low crop yields and soil degradation for years, and were eager to learn about the new organic fertiliser that could potentially address their challenges.

Biochar fertiliser is a type of organic fertiliser that is produced through the process of pyrolysis, where organic materials such as crop residues, animal manure, or wood chips are heated to high temperatures in the absence of oxygen.

This process converts these materials into a carbon-rich substance called biochar, which can then be used as a soil amendment.

On Tuesday, over 900 farmers in Kakamega were educated on the benefits of using biochar fertiliser. One of the key advantages of this fertiliser is its ability to prevent leaching.

Leaching occurs when water carries away essential nutrients from the soil, leading to nutrient depletion and reduced crop productivity.

Biochar has a high cation exchange capacity, which means it is able to retain water and nutrients, preventing them from being washed away by rain or irrigation. As a result, the nutrients remain available for plant uptake, leading to improved crop growth and higher yields.

In an interview with the Star, Joe Kariuki, the director of the Green Planting Campaign,  said biochar fertiliser has the potential to revolutionise agriculture in the Western region.

"For years, farmers in this region have struggled with low crop yields and degraded soil. Our goal at GPC is to provide sustainable solutions for these challenges,” Kariuki said.

He added that Biochar fertiliser offers immense benefits, from preventing nutrient leaching to promoting long-term soil fertility.

"We believe in educating and empowering farmers with the knowledge and resources to use biochar,” he said.

Elizabeth Zawadi, farmer, said she has struggled with leaching for years affirming that with the knowledge she has gained about biochar fertiliser, she is confident that she will be able to prevent nutrient loss and maximise her harvests.


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