
We voted ‘Yes’ to get development, UDA lawmakers claim

Over 15 Kenya Kwanza MPs have defended their decision to vote for the contentious Finance Bill

by john kamau

Counties23 June 2024 - 19:41

In Summary

  • Kagombe said the proposed law has catered for farmers in the country noting that tea, coffee and dairy farmers will be the big winners.
  • His Thika counterpart Ng'ang'a said her decision to vote 'Yes' to the bill was informed by the need for funds for cash transfer, diapers, sanitary towels.
The MPs join traditional dancers in a jig at Makwa village in Gatundu North, Kiambu County.

Kenya Kwanza MPs have defended their decision to vote for the contentious Finance Bill claiming they did it for developments in the country.

The over 15 lawmakers converged in Makwa village, Gatundu North during the launch of tarmacking of a 14-kilometre Gatukuyu-Makwa-Igamba road being built at a cost of Sh800 million.

They include MPs Njoroge Kururia (Gatundu North), Gabriel Kagombe (Gatundu South), Alice Ng'ang'a (Thika Town), John Njuguna (Kiambaa), Chege Kiragu (Limuru) and Mburu Kahangara (Lari).

Others are John Paul Mwirigi (Igembe North), Githua Wamacukuru (Kabete), George Gachagua (Ndaragwa), George Macharia (Ndia) Duncan Mathenge (Nyeri), Woman Reps Anne Wamuratha (Kiambu), Faith Gitau (Nyandarua) and Jane Kagiri (Laikipia).

The lawmakers claimed that the Bill which is facing opposition from various sectors, means well for the country as it seeks to raise funds that are crucial for the country's socio-economic growth.

Kagombe said the proposed law has catered for farmers in the country noting that tea, coffee and dairy farmers will be the big winners with allocation of funds for cherry, fertiliser as well as better produce markets.

The MP said Kenyans must remain patriotic and agree to pay taxes for the sake of the country's growth and development.

“There’s no way the country will witness developments without adequate funds for projects. We passed the Bill to ensure the government collects enough funds to spur economic developments across the country,” Kagombe said.

His Thika counterpart said her decision to vote 'Yes' to the bill was informed by the need for funds for cash transfer, diapers, sanitary towels, subsidised fertiliser and bursaries. 

Ng'ang'a called on President William Ruto not to bow to pressure from the opposition and demonstrators, and instead, remain focused in steering the country towards achieving economic prosperity.

Wamacukuru said the Bill is imperative for the country's growth noting that it will provide the much needed funds for development projects including roads, water, electricity, health among others.

The MP told Kenyans to support the state through its plan to grow and develop the country's economy, adding that all contentious elements have been struck out.

“The Bill is not oppressive and Kenyans should go through it and realise that all clauses that would have hurt mwananchi have been removed,” the lawmaker said.

Ndia MP Macharia, who's also the chairman of the Parliamentary committee on Roads and Infrastructure, said Mt Kenya region is set to benefit with roads projects worth Sh6 billion, adding that the Mau Mau one that has stalled for years will be revived.

“Funds for road projects and especially the Mau Mau road, have been factored in the budget and this is great news to Mt Kenya region people where the road transverses. It will improve transport and boost the region’s economy,” he said. 

Kururia said tarmacking of the crucial road is set to turnaround fortunes for Gatundu North residents who are mainly farmers and help boost the region's economy.

Mwirigi said he voted for the Bill due to provision of sufficient funds to the Universal Health Coverage that will ease access of medical services to cancer patients. He said his constituency is among those with the highest number of cancer patients.

“I voted Yes because my people will have accessible affordable medical services,” he said.

Meanwhile, the lawmakers chided Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua for his persistent calls to unite the Mt Kenya region saying that he is spreading divisive politics.

They said the country is united and solidly behind the current regime for the sake of  developments.

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