Kirinyaga MCAs want a major overhaul undertaken at the Kimbimbi Subcounty hospital due to it’s dilapidated state.
In a report tabled at the Kirinyaga county assembly on Monday by the Medical services, public health and sanitation committee, the members recommended the overhaul after conducted a fact finding visit at the facility.
The members observed that the Mwea-based facility ails from staff shortage, staff demotivation, infrastructure deterioration, pharmaceutical and non-pharmaceutical shortage.
While tabling the report, the committee's vice chairperson Grace Kamau noted that despite the facility’s cleanliness standards being commendable, the infrastructural condition of the old hospital bloc is in a dire state.
She therefore called on the county government through the public health department, to set aside funds for the renovation of the dilapidated block.
In addition, the committee expressed it’s displeasure over the non-functional state of the hospital's mortuary. It recommended that the public health department oversees the repair and servicing of all the machines at the morgue to ensure they are operational.
Kamau who is also a nominated MCA further challenged the county government to put in place appropriate measures to address the erratic supply of essential pharmaceutical and non-pharmaceutical products which is evident at the facility.
While decrying the human resource shortage for both the medical and non-medical teams, Kamau noted there was equally low staff morale at the hospital due to lack of promotion and training opportunities for career growth.
“The County Executive Committee Member should ensure the hospital is well staffed through the County Service Board as well as fast-track the promotion of the medical staff,” she said.
The committee through the report that was read by the nominated MCA, further urged the county to ensure there are sufficient ambulances to cater for the health emergencies needs of both Mwea East and Mwea West subcounties.
The committee noted that currently, the populous Mwea is served by only one ambulance.
In addition, She urged the George Karoki-led Public health department to see to it that there is procurement and installation of a hospital management information system at the facility. She also recommended that all idle health equipment at the facility are disposed in accordance with the public procurement and asset disposal Act of 2015.
Speaking in support of the report, the committee chairperson Dr Isaiah Mbogo noted that the state of the hospital was dire and as such urgent measures proposed ought to be implemented.
Further, he noted that the assembly was in the process of crafting the Facility Improvement Fund bill, which will ensure health facilities are able to sustain themselves by way of purchasing essential equipment, without necessarily relying on the funds channeled from the exchequer.
The Kabare MCA said it was of utmost importance for all the 20 wards to in the near future, each have an ambulance that will aid in provision of transport services to very needy patients.
He lauded the Waiguru's administration for its commitment in ensuring that the Kimbimbi Subcounty hospital is elevated to a Level 4 facility.
Moreover, he called for the incorporation of the trauma centre department at the facility in order to cater for victims who suffer road accidents along the Embu –Mwea highway.
Tebere MCA Peter Karinga exuded confidence that the recommended measures will be implemented in time.
In addition, he noted that the committee will ensure the hospital's land quickly acquires a title deed.
“I’m optimistic that the departments that have stalled will roar back to life and that other departments will be upgraded so that the hospital will provide better and excellent health services.”
Murinduko MCA Charles Nyaga Nyamu concurred with the report tabled as he called for the provision of an additional ambulance in the vast constituency.
He further recommended the decentralisation of ambulances as the current system of dispatch is inconvenient.
-Edited by SKanyara