Kirinyaga Governor Anne Waiguru has called for the formation of a special police unit within the DCI to deal with rising cases of femicide in the country.
Waiguru said the unit would help in probing and stemming the ongoing killings of women in the country.
While terming femicide as the most extreme manifestation of violence against women, the governor however said a long-term solution to the killings must be found.
She said the widely reported killings of women are shocking and highlighted an ever-worsening national femicide crisis.
Speaking at St Mary’s ACK Church Ngariama in Gichugu during the thanksgiving service for area MCA Daniel Kibinga, Waiguru called on all government agencies to act fast to prevent further escalation of the violence.
“We thank the President because he has taken some action but we are also asking for a long-term solution to these issues and a comprehensive assessment of what is going on in our society.”
“The root cause of these killings needs to be looked at so that we can reduce cases of femicide and gender-based violence,” she said.
Waiguru said as Kenya marks the 16 days of gender activism, the country should not be witnessing an escalation of gender-based violence and called for concerted effort to reverse the trend.
She said other players in the justice sector also need to create special units to deal with the matter to ensure justice for the victims.
While condemning the violent acts, Waiguru asked police to act fast and bring culprits to book to discourage potential aggressors.
“Gender-based violence has no place in our society, we are hoping during those 16 days of activism this coming week, we will have proposals and solutions that will give us a comprehensive plan that will provide us with a lasting solution to the femicide and gender-based violence,” Waiguru said.
At the same time, Waiguru asked MCAs to shun divisive politics and focus on delivering their promises to the electorates.
She said divisions among MCAs
could affect delivery of services to
the people.