Ruto to visit Luo Nyanza next week for a four-day development tour

On Saturday, CS Owalo and PS Omollo were in the region to prepare ground.

In Summary
  • In a charm offensive visit, the head of state is expected to launch key infrastructural development projects in Raila Odinga's backyard.
  • The two leaders visited Kendu Bay, Mbita, Homa Bay town and Asembo Bay to talk to the locals where they appealed to the region to give the president an arousing welcome. 
Leaders MD KPA William Ruto ,PS Raymond Omollo, CS Eliud Owalo and Governor Gladys Wanga on September 30,2023
Leaders MD KPA William Ruto ,PS Raymond Omollo, CS Eliud Owalo and Governor Gladys Wanga on September 30,2023

 President William Ruto is expected in Luo Nyanza next week for a four-day tour.

The president will be in the four Luo Nyanza counties for a development tour that kicks off on October 6. 

In a charm offensive visit, the head of state is expected to launch key infrastructural development projects in Raila Odinga's backyard.

This will be the fourth time the president will be visiting the region since he took office as the country's CEO in September last year.

The president appears keen to woe Nyanza region to his camp ahead of the next general elections in 2027.

Since he ascended to the highest office in the land, the president has made it clear that his administration will serve all Kenyans equally, regardless of how they voted in the last elections. 

On Saturday, ICT CS Eliud Owalo and interior PS Dr Raymond Omollo were in the region to prepare the ground ahead of the visit.  

The two leaders visited Kendu Bay, Mbita, Homa Bay town and Asembo Bay to talk to the locals where they appealed to the region to give the president an arousing welcome. 

"We may have our political differences but for the sake of development, let us work in harmony," Owalo said. 

Speaking at Kendu Bay pier, the CS said several development projects will be launched during the president's tour. 

"The government is keen to ensure the completion of all ongoing road projects before new ones are installed," he said. 

On the fishing sub-sector, the CS noted that a technical institute has been established in Nyando, Kisumu County that will improve modern fishing techniques targeting to boost earnings. 

He said the institute is going to cost the government Sh3 billion. 

"Such initiatives will see fishing and other economic activities thrive. My ministry will also install free WiFi in the landing beaches of Lake Victoria," he said.

PS Raymond Omollo, KPA MD William Ruto and CS Eliud Owalo at Kendu Bay pier in Karachuonyo constituency on September 30,2023
PS Raymond Omollo, KPA MD William Ruto and CS Eliud Owalo at Kendu Bay pier in Karachuonyo constituency on September 30,2023

The ICT CS added that the use of technology will enhance trade in the fishing industry. 

"Our focus is to enhance development in our region. We will work closely with county governments. Our ambition is to see fish processing plants built along all the landing beaches," Owalo said. 

He at the same time reiterated that the publicly owned sugar Millers will not be privatised.

He appealed to Luo Nyanza to agree to work closely with President William Ruto's government.

 "When he visits us next week, let us give him an arousing welcome. We can't develop in a chaotic environment," he urged. 

"We're grateful for the gesture by the government for the major intervention projects being rolled out in the region," he added.

He noted that there is a need for the people of Nyanza to create an enabling environment for development. 

Dr Omollo who accompanied the CS thanked the national government for seeing it fit to revive the blue economy of Lake Victoria.

"We say thanks to the ministry of transport through Kenya Ports Authority (KPA). Today We are here to do assessment and visits to the piers lined up for rehabilitation," he said.

He said the rehabilitation of the dilapidated piers will be done in Mbita, Homa Bay, Kendu Bay and Asembo in Siaya County.

He appealed to the Nyanza residents to make good use of the facilities.

"These were vibrant towns. We hope the projects will rekindle the vibrancy of the past," the PS said. 

He said during the visit, the president will go to Siaya, Kisumu, Migori and Homa Bay Counties. 

"We ask the residents to be ready to welcome the president during the tours."

DDr.Omollo noted that all the leaders are elected to work for the people. 

He said that after elections, it is the leaders' responsibility to ensure they deliver to the people. 

"This we do without caring whether one is working for the national government or the county government. Both levels have their separate mandates, which are interdependent," he said.

"Don't destroy projects financed by your taxes because of political differences," he added. 

He observed that no leader would want to struggle to look for resources that fund projects which will end up being destroyed. 

The PS was making reference to instances where facilities, including roads and railway lines, have been destroyed during street protests in the past. 

He announced that the president will be launching the next phase of an affordable housing project in Homa Bay county during his next week's visit. 

"We want to assure the president that we won't be destroying our infrastructure."

"Let's embrace peace and love each other and let us turn out in numbers to welcome the president when he visits," he said. 

Kenya Ports Authority MD William Ruto who was also present during the assessment tour of the piers said the National government has, in this financial year put in Sh 1.6 billion towards the regeneration of projects targeting the small ports in the region. 

PS Raymond Omollo speaks with Homa Bay Governor Gladys Wanga in Kendu Bay old town on September 30,2023
PS Raymond Omollo speaks with Homa Bay Governor Gladys Wanga in Kendu Bay old town on September 30,2023

The MD disclosed that out of the allocations, Sh500 million will go towards the rehabilitation of the Homa Bay pier, Sh 600 million will be used to purchase a ferry and Sh 450 million will pay the services of the consultant who designed the piers. 

"This is a dream that will now come true. We were here last year and promised to develop the pier to support the blue economy," he said.

"We have appointed a consultant to design the Homa Bay, Mbita, Kendu Bay and Asembo Bay piers," he added.

In the next three weeks, he said the groundbreaking ceremony will be done in Homa Bay adding that a Contractor has already been identified.  

"The Commissioning will be done immediately and the contractor will employ locals," he said.

"This year we will buy a ferry. It will be built in Kisumu," he revealed. 

He regretted that the Blue economy is yet to be fully exploited. 

He said that as part of the rehabilitation works, a Cold storage facility and a warehouse will be built on Homa Bay pier. 

"Homa Bay products will be exported to Uganda and Tanzania using the small ports," the MD said.

Homa Bay Governor Gladys Wanga also graced the occasion.

The governor noted that she is happy with the collaboration between the national government and county governments in the revival of the piers.

She said the rehabilitation will make towns like Kendu to be vibrant again. 

KPA MD William Ruto speaks with PS Raymond Omollo as CS Eliud Owalo looks on at Kendu Bay pier in nKarachuonyo on September 30,2023
KPA MD William Ruto speaks with PS Raymond Omollo as CS Eliud Owalo looks on at Kendu Bay pier in nKarachuonyo on September 30,2023

"Working together to serve the people is okay. The constitution envisaged that both levels of government would work together. 

"We welcome the president. His visit is for development," she said.

She noted that government officials are not politicians and as opposition leaders nothing stops them from teaming up for the sake of development. 

"Bigger ships will be able to dock here. The hospitality industry will prosper and jobs will be created. are the promises we made to our voters. We will also revive the Kendu show," the governor said. 

Wanga said that a modern market will also be built in Kendu town and urged local traders to move to new markets and stop operating from the roadside. 

"We can have political differences as a people but we can't fail to agree when discussing development issues. On the development agenda we will always work closely," she said.

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