Released abductee Benard Kavuli has narrated how his abductors dumped him at 2am in an area teeming with killers in Moi’s Bridge, Uasin Gishu.
“I am lucky to be alive as I was dumped at night at a place known to be a den of criminals who have killed many,” he said.
Kavuli was released on January 6.
He was abducted on December 22 in Ngong, Nairobi, and held captive for what he described as “painful and harrowing 16 days”.
The 24-year-old journalism student at Mount Kenya University spoke at his rural home in Kalamba Muyo village, Mwingi North, in Kitui on Wednesday.
This was 10 days after he was re leased.
He had remained in Nairobi for a while undergoing medical examinations.
Mary Njoroge who lives in Moi’s Bridge gave Kavuli refuge in her home after he was dropped off by his abductors.
Njoroge, who had accompanied Kavuli to Kalamba Muyo to witness his reunion with parents and residents, said the extent of the notoriety of the bloody killings in the area had been documented in the news.
“Many bodies had been collected at the place where Kavuli was abandoned. It is a dangerous spot,” she said.
Njoroge said Kavuli was rescued by her son-in-law who took him to her house at 4am and after they listened to his horrifying story, they decided to help him and ensure he is reunited with his family.
Kavuli said it was just by the grace of God he is alive.
“Today you could be holding a funeral service with a coffin placed in front of you were it not for your prayers. You even demonstrated to demand my release. I am really humbled,” he told residents.
He said during the 16 days he was held hostage, he went through the most inhuman ordeal.
He said he was locked up in a dark, narrow room.
“The first five days of my being held hostage was the most unbearable. I was stripped naked and chained to the wall of the room,” he said.
He said he was given food and water two times a day.
Kavuli said he did not know who his abductors were or the area where he was held hostage.
He said his abductors told him their mandate was to “protect the presidency”.
Kavuli said he would not say much about his ordeal as the matter was in court.
His mother, Lucia Kalimi, said she
was overjoyed her son had returned
home alive.