
Kaburengu accident survivor gives birth to twins

Caroline Naliaka, 36, gave birth to two girls, Beatrice Nekesa and Hellen Nanjala.

by The Star

Counties30 August 2020 - 19:00

In Summary

  • Naliaka who was due to deliver said she brushed shoulders with death and thanked God to have survived.
  • Senator Shiyonga called upon the national government to upgrade Webuye county hospital to level five.
Caroline Naliaka who gave birth to twins after surviving an accidentin Webuye

A victim of the ghastly Kaburengu junction accident in Bungoma that killed eight people has all reasons to be happy after being blessed with a double bundle of joy.

Caroline Naliaka, 36, gave birth to two girls, Beatrice Nekesa and Hellen Nanjala. Nekesa means harvest season whereas Nanjala means hunger time.

On Monday last week, a freak accident happened at Kaburengu junction along the Webuye-Eldoret highway killing eight people and leaving score of others with serious injuries when a lorry veered off the road and rammed into the stalls of roadside traders. Naliaka was among the the survivors.


Naliaka who was due to deliver said she brushed shoulders with death and thanked God to have survived.

Elated Naliaka who was visited by nominated Senator Naomi Shiyonga said her survival and that of her twins was God's grace.

“Indeed this is a miracle that I will never forget in my life. I see God in all this. It’s not my own making to have survived an accident that left eight people dead,” Naliaka said.

Hospital deputy nurse Grace Nyongesa said they gave close attention to Naliaka.

“We received Caroline Naliaka here after the accident and upon examination, we realised that she was expectant. After a few hours she went into labour. We tried what we could and by the grace of God she gave birth to the first baby in the normal way, but she couldn’t push the second one due to lack of energy and so we had to go for the caesarean section, which was successful,” she said.

Senator Shiyonga called upon the national government to upgrade Webuye county hospital to level five to save lives.

Edited by Henry Makori


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