That things are tough economically is nothing new. But how bad is it for a former senior security man who resigned during the last election cycle to dabble into politics?
The man, who benefitted from a recent state board appointment, was strained to pay parking fees in the city.
He was overheard pleading with his driver to borrow a mobile app loan for him to pay up so that his car could be unclamped. Maybe the high cost of living is touching the low and the mighty alike.
Is a top boss in a critical sector having a hand in the catfight in a county in the larger western part of the country? We are told the silent man has been working to undermine the governor, who is not friendly to the government.
The governor is engaged in a fight with his estranged deputy, who is almost getting ejected.
Corridors of Power told the boss has been working behind the scenes to save the deputy boss whose political alignment has changed in favour of the powers that be.
Just what happened to the budget for the construction of service lanes and key feeder roads that are part of the James Gichuru-Rironi highway? Users of the road and the residents along the key infrastructure have had to endure dizzying dust when it's sunny and thick mud during the rainy season.
Even as the government ramps up the campaign for road safety, residents living on the stretch and users of the roads hope that the authorities' voice will be heard on completion of the remaining parts.
Attendees at a high-level event at a city hotel were disappointed after the organisers kept playing vernacular music yet the invited guests were from wide ethnic mix.
The meeting, bringing together players from a given region of the country, was billed as inclusive of all the communities living in that part of the country but the dominance of one group over the rest was palpable.
Nitpickers claim the outfit is a campaign vehicle aiming to net votes for certain players with an eye on the next election.