Skilled artisans who have not gone to school conventionally could soon get recognition if a proposed law compelling the government to set up procedures is approved.
Kisumu Central MP Joshua Oron wants the National Industrial Training Authority mandated by law to set up a system for assessing the prior learners.
“The authority shall be responsible for establishing a system and structure that assesses and certifies a person who has acquired skilled through informal, non-formal or experiential training or education in any vocational trade or craft,” the proposed law reads.
The Industrial Training (Amendment) Bill, 2024, wants the Nita board to take it up that “it shall establish systems and processes for the recognition and assessment of prior learning.”
Oron says the bill seeks to provide for an avenue through which a person who acquires knowledge and skills through learning methods outside the academic environment can apply for recognition of their skills.
“The objective of the bill is in order to recognise prior learning as a framework that acknowledges the skills, knowledge, performance outcomes and learning achieved, through informal and non-formal learning pathways,” the MP says in the bill’s memo.
He argues that people who work in formal, informal, non-formal and even jua kali sectors gain knowledge, skills, expertise and attributes through practice.
“They should have the opportunity for the recognition of their acquired knowledge and skills,” the legislator says.
A big chunk of Kenya’s labour force is in the informal sector, with state statistics showing it accounts for about 80 per cent of the workforce.
Despite their proficiency in textiles, automotive mechanics, textile, building and construction sectors, most of these workers lack officially recognised credentials.
Last year, the government piloted a new policy in the textiles, welding, motor mechanics, beauty and masonry to test its application in respect of certifying the skills.
The Technical Vocational Education Authority says that the recognition of prior learning policy is officially in place and that the programme would be scaled up across the country.
Acting director of Kenya National Qualifications Authority Alice Kande in an opinion article last month said the policy, launched in March 2024, “paves the way for a standardised process of identifying, documenting, assessing and certifying skills and competencies that are acquired informally and non-formally.” Early this year, about 600 Kenyans graduated having achieved full or partial certification through the RPL programme, according to a brief on the International Labour Organization. Oron says his legislation is to give “legal basis for recognising prior learning as a framework.”