House still on recess as committees get to work in Parliament

Selected features of last week’s House business

In Summary
  • A Sh22.2 billion budget shortfall is threatening the successful implementation of Free Day Secondary Education.
  • Department for Higher Education and Research is facing a budget deficit of Sh39.5 billion for recurrent expenditure.
Members of the National assembly at Parliament./File
Members of the National assembly at Parliament./File

The House is still on recess but committees continued with scheduled business under their consideration.

National Assembly committees received submissions from Ministries, Departments, and Agencies (MDAs) for consideration during deliberations on the 2023/24 estimates of revenue and expenditure.

Accurate forecasting of revenues and expenditures is important for avoiding both underfunding and excessive funding by the government and related consequences

In one of the meetings, the Departmental Committee on Education and Research was told the State Department for Higher Education and Research is facing a budget deficit of Sh39.5 billion for recurrent expenditure.

Submissions by the department said the recurrent expenditure requirement for 2023/2024 Financial Year was Sh153.9 billion against an allocation of Sh114.3 billion.

On development expenditure, the State Department was allocated Sh3.3 billion against a requirement of Sh12.4 billion resulting in a shortfall of Sh9 billion.

Sector Working Group allocated the Open University of Kenya Sh170 million against a requirement of Sh1.4 billion towards its establishment.

During the week, it also emerged that a Sh22.2 billion budget shortfall is threatening the successful implementation of Free Day Secondary Education (FDSE).

Nearly one million learners could be left without funding in the next financial year.

The shortfall comes despite a Sh964 million increase in the capitation grant for the programme, which funds all learners in public secondary schools.

Principal Secretary for Basic Education Belio Kipsang said the current enrolment of 3,938,109 learners at a rate of Sh22,244 per learner in secondary schools gives a total requirement of Sh87.6 billion.

However, the proposed allocation in the 2023-24 budget for FDSE is Sh65.4 billion.

It also emerged that Department for Higher Education has a total of 11 stalled capital projects.

The department noted that all the projects have stalled for 10 years save for four in Kenyatta University. The four projects at Kenyatta University have each stalled for five years.

Ministry of Cooperatives and Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Development is also facing a budget deficit.

The ministry has been allocated Sh15.1 billion for the 2023/24 period against a resource requirement of Sh64.9 billion.

Cabinet Secretary Simon Chelugui told the Departmental Committee on Trade, Industry and Cooperatives that Sh3.3 billion of the allocation is for recurrent and Sh11.8 billion for development expenditure.

“It is clear that the Ministry is in dire need of resources to finance the deficit of Sh49.7 billion,” Chelugui told MPs.

Chelugui said the State Department for MSMEs has been allocated Sh1.68 billion for its recurrent expenditure against a resource requirement of Sh3.89 billion.

On the development expenditure, he said, the Department has been allocated Sh11.5 billion against a requirement of Sh55.6 billion.

He said the State Department for Cooperatives on the other hand has been allocated Sh1.6 billion for its recurrent expenditure against a resource requirement of Sh2.1 billion.

On the development expenditure, he said the Department has been allocated Sh309.00 million against a requirement of Sh3.17 billion.

Meanwhile, a sub-committee of the Budget and Appropriations Committee visited Siaya and Busia for engagements with locals in the budget-making process.

The public hearing provided the residents a chance to learn more about the budget-making process and ask questions.

The sub-committee led by Vice-Chairperson Mary Emaase held public hearings at Siaya Institute of Technology and Akukuranat ADT, Adungosi Centre in Teso South Constituency.

On the other hand, Senate Ad hoc Committee on the Proliferation of Religious Organisations was scheduled to visit Pastor Paul Mackenzie’s farm in Shakahola forest on Saturday for a fact-finding mission.

The committee, which is chaired by Tana River Senator Danson Mungatana, was also scheduled to conduct a series of meetings with stakeholders.

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