Nine protesters plead guilty to unlawful assembly

They admitted to participating in demonstrations while running, shouting, destroying properties and obstructing other road users.

In Summary
  • The prosecution said their actions caused the road users reasonable fear that were committing a breach of peace.
  • They are said to have committed the offence on July 19 along the North Airport Road within Embakasi South with others, not before the court.
Nine protesters before chief magistrate Lucas Onyina where they pleaded guilty to unlawful assembly on July 20, 2023.
Nine protesters before chief magistrate Lucas Onyina where they pleaded guilty to unlawful assembly on July 20, 2023.

Nine people accused of participating in Wednesday’s demonstrations have pleaded guilty to unlawful assembly before a Nairobi court.

Kennedy Kinywa, Stephen Baraza, John Mbithi, Musyoka Solo, Yasin Fadir and Glen Asumba among others appeared before Milimani chief magistrate Lucas Onyina.

They admitted to participating in demonstrations while running, shouting, destroying properties and obstructing other road users.

The prosecution said their actions caused the road users reasonable fear that were committing a breach of peace.

They are said to have committed the offence on July 19 along the North Airport Road within Embakasi South with others, not before the court.

The prosecution told the court that on Wednesday at around 11 am, some people were taking part in the unlawful assembly within Kobil area in Embakasi.

They were throwing stones at the public and motorists.

Police officers under the command of the OCS villa police station teargassed and managed to arrest the accused persons.

The prosecution said Stephen Baraza was found recording and filing police officers and his phone was confiscated t the police station.

Magistrate Onyina will sentence the nine accused persons on Friday (tomorrow).

At the same court, three Nairobi MCAs and three employees of Nairobi county are set to appear before a magistrate.

Embakasi MP Babu Owino is also said to be at the Nairobi area police station.

His lawyer Duncan Okatch said that they don't know if he will be arraigned or not.

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