Azimio sends 10 lawyers to represent leaders, protesters in court

They will represent Kilifi speaker Teddy Mwambire, Kilifi South MP Chonga and 18 other individuals who were arrested on Wednesday.

In Summary
  • Chonga and Mwambire together with their two accused persons were arrested in Mtwapa on Wednesday.
  • The four spent a night at Shimo la Tewa Prison as they wait for a ruling on their bond application today.
Mombasa Governor Abdswamad Nassir in Mombasa Court to show solidarity with the Kilifi leaders who were arrested Thursday during the anti-government demonstrations on July 21, 2023
Mombasa Governor Abdswamad Nassir in Mombasa Court to show solidarity with the Kilifi leaders who were arrested Thursday during the anti-government demonstrations on July 21, 2023

The Azimio la Umoja One Kenya Alliance has sent a battalion of lawyers to represent Kilifi assembly speaker Teddy Mwambire, Kilifi South MP Ken Chonga and 18 other individuals who were arrested on Wednesday.

They were arrested during the anti-government demonstrations.

The lawyers are led by senior counsel Jared Magolo, Danston Omari, Cliff Ombeta, Mombasa senator Mohammed Faki and his Kilifi counterpart Stewart Madzayo among others.

About 10 lawyers are representing the leaders and protesters in court today.

Mombasa Governor Abdswamad Nassir in Mombasa Court to show solidarity with the Kilifi leaders who were arrested Thursday during the anti-government demonstrations on July 21, 2023
Mombasa Governor Abdswamad Nassir in Mombasa Court to show solidarity with the Kilifi leaders who were arrested Thursday during the anti-government demonstrations on July 21, 2023

Also present at the court is Mombasa Governor Abdulswamad Nassir.

Chonga and Mwambire together with their two accused persons were arrested in Mtwapa on Wednesday.

The four spent a night at Shimo la Tewa Prison as they wait for a ruling on their bond application today.

On Thursday afternoon, the four were charged with participating in unlawful assembly contrary to Section 78(1) as read with Section 79 of the Penal Code Chapter 63 of the laws of Kenya.

Another 16 protesters who were arrested on Wednesday in Mombasa during the anti-government demonstrations will also be re-arraigned today.

The court is expected to issue a ruling on whether they should be given bond or bail terms or not.

Azimio supporters flock Mombasa High Court on Friday to follow up on the case against leaders and supporters arrested over Wednesday's demonstrations on July 21, 2023. .
Azimio supporters flock Mombasa High Court on Friday to follow up on the case against leaders and supporters arrested over Wednesday's demonstrations on July 21, 2023. .
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