
EXPLAINER: Why it's currently too hot at night

Nairobi residents have been battling hot temperatures at night

by The Star

Realtime21 February 2024 - 15:07

In Summary

  • The situation is nonetheless expected to change in the coming weeks when long rains begin in March.
  • Kenyans have been advised to stay hydrated in the wake of hot temperatures.
A man sleeping

Residents of Nairobi and several other counties have been struggling to cope with hot temperatures both during the daytime and at night.

The situation is not about to get better as the Kenya Meteorological Department has warned of hot temperatures which will experienced in several counties across the country including the capital.

In an advisory released on Tuesday, the department noted that temperatures in the city and its neighbouring counties of Central Kenya will rise to 31 degrees.

It said Tuesday, Thursday and Friday will be the hottest days of the week with the maximum projected temperature, which indicates more long nights for residents.

Kenya Meteorological Department Director David Gikungu has explained that the high temperatures Nairobians and several other areas are experiencing at night are a result of the heat of the daytime.

“There are very high temperatures during the day that heat is stored by the ground,” he said.

“Longwave radiation is experienced during the night.”

Longwave radiation

In climate science, longwave radiation is electromagnetic thermal radiation emitted by Earth's surface, atmosphere, and clouds. It may also be referred to as terrestrial radiation.

This radiation is in the infrared portion of the spectrum but is distinct from the shortwave near-infrared radiation found in sunlight.

The situation is nonetheless expected to change in the coming weeks as the Metrological Department has announced the long rains could begin in March.

What you should do

In the meantime, Kenyans have been advised to stay hydrated in the wake of hot temperatures. They have also been urged to protect themselves from sun rays during the day.

Experts have advised people to combat the heat by, taking cold baths before going to bed, staying indoors, avoiding alcoholic drinks, staying hydrated and taking lots of fruits.

Hot temperature causes dizziness, nausea, fainting, confusion, muscle cramps, headaches, heavy sweating and a feeling of tiredness.

According to the weatherman, temperatures in Nairobi, Embu, Meru, Kiambu and Murang’a, could soar to 38 degrees Celsius while for those in Northwestern, which covers Samburu and Turkana counties could get to 39 degrees Celsius.

The hot temperatures are also expected in other regions of the country with temperatures in Turkana and Samburu counties projected to hit 40 degrees.

Marsabit, Mandera, Wajir, Garissa and Isiolo counties are expected to experience over 39-degree temperatures during the days.

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