MP Yegon petitions House over rampant Mai Mahiu traffic jam

He said the road is narrow and lacks alternative to divert traffic making things worse.

In Summary
  • He said the highway serves as a transport corridor for goods to Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi, Tanzania and DR Congo.
  • The legislator said despite its strategic nature, motorists plying the route including Mai Mahiu-Naivasha frequently experience heavy traffic snarl ups.
Konoin MP Brighton Yegon during a past event.
Konoin MP Brighton Yegon during a past event.

Konoin MP Brighton Yegon has petitioned the National Assembly to explain measures being taken to address perennial traffic congestion along the Kamandura-Mai Mahiu road.

In a statement referred to the Committee of Roads and Infrastructure, Yegon highlighted the importance of the road as a crucial link to the Southern Nyanza region and parts of the lower Rift valley which includes Narok, Bomet and Kericho.

He said the highway serves as a transport corridor for goods to Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi, Tanzania and DR Congo.

The legislator said despite its strategic nature, motorists plying the route including Mai Mahiu-Naivasha frequently experience heavy traffic snarl ups.

This, he noted, has lead to significant delays hence frustrating commuters and business people.

“The situation is worsened by the fact that the road is narrow and does not have an alternative to divert traffic especially along the Mai Mahiu escarpment,” he said.

He said that no safety measures have been implemented despite several appeals over the years for the government to do so.

The lawmaker now wants a comprehensive statement from the committee on the plans being undertaken including the budgetary allocations to KeNHA towards expansion and repair of spoilt sections of the road.

During the session, Kilgoris MP Julius Sunkuli added his voice to the petition saying the road has become an “embarrassment”.

“When you go there Mr Speaker, you can spend about three hours locked up in traffic jam yet it is such an important road,” he said.

In addition to providing long solutions to the problem, Sunkuli told the committee to ensure that the Roads Cabinet Secretary liases with his counterpart in the Interior Ministry to implement measures to deal with those causing obstruction along the route.

“It is a very very important statement that needs to be addressed immediately,” he stressed.

National Assembly Speaker Moses Wetangula directed the committee chair to respond within two weeks.

KeNHA had in 2022 announced plans to expand the road.

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