The government has announced vacant positions across major state agencies.
About 72 positions are up for grabs, with interested applicants being urged to submit their applications before the set deadlines.
The Salaries and Remuneration Commission has advertised 15 positions that require to be filled.
The vacant positions include deputy directors, senior officers, principal officers, drivers, a knowledge management officer and head of ICT.
The commission is seeking to hire a Deputy Director, Collective Bargaining Negotiations and Deputy Director, Performance and Productivity.
Other positions available include Principal Officer, Human Resources and Administration, Principal Officer, Collective Bargaining Negotiations, Principal Officer, Performance and Productivity and Principal Legal Officer.
The commission is also seeking to hire two individuals for the position of Senior Officer, Collective Bargaining Negotiations, Senior Officer, Research, Monitoring and Evaluation, Senior Officer Allowance and Benefits and Senior Officer, Supply Chain Management.
A Knowledge Management Officer, Head of Information Communications Technology and two drivers are also needed.
Interested applicants are required to register and submit their applications through the SRC E-recruitment Portal on the website https://src.go.ke/
Interested applicants have until February 26, 2024, to submit their applications.
"Those who might have applied for the re-advertised positions are encouraged to re-apply. Successful candidates must submit all clearances in relation to Chapter six before onboarding," SRC said.
The Agriculture and Food Authority has announced job openings for three positions.
They include Director of Finance, Director of Legal Services and the Deputy Director of Corporate Communications.
Applications should be received not later than February 24, 2025.
"Successfully shortlisted candidates will be required to satisfy the requirements of Chapter 6 of the Constitution of Kenya on leadership and integrity by submitting clearance certificates from relevant institutions," AFA said.
The applicants have been asked to check the AFA website: www.afa.go.ke for more details on the application.
The authority has called on Persons with Disabilities (PWDs), the marginalised and minorities to apply, warning that any form of canvassing will lead to automatic disqualification.
South Nyanza Sugar Company Limited has announced 15 vacancies in the organisation.
The vacancies available include General Managers, managers and assistant managers.
The organisation seeks to hire General Managers for agriculture, manufacturing, legal services and company secretary, finance and accounts, corporate services and marketing and business development.
It also seeks to hire managers for supply chain management, security services, machinery and production, planning and strategy, human resource management and administration and corporate communications.
Assistant managers of network and infrastructure and business applications are also needed.
The applicants are required to visit the organisation's website www.sonysugar.co.ke for detailed job specifications.
Applications should be emailed through [email protected] before February 25, 2025.
"Sony Sugar is an equal opportunity employer. Qualified persons irrespective of gender, race, ethnicity, religion, culture or disability are encouraged to apply. Canvassing will lead to disqualification," the company said.
The Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development has announced 18 vacancies.
The institute is seeking to hire Chief principal officers, assistant directors, curriculum development officers, senior security officers, an ICT officer and a technical operator.
Applicants are requested to visit the website www.kicd.ac.ke for more details.
Applications for the available jobs are to be received by March 3, 2025.
Capital Markets Authority on the other hand has announced nine vacancies at the organisation.
The positions are director of corporate services, senior manager of approvals analysis and issuer governance, senior ICT manager, enforcement manager, financial analyst, senior corporate communications officer, senior accountant and two senior compliance officers.
Interested applicants should visit the website www.cma.or.ke for application.
The set deadline for the applications to be submitted is February 25, 2025.
The University of Kabianga is looking to fill 20 vacancies at the university.
The university is seeking to hire registrars, lecturers, secretaries, administrators officers and an auditor, with the deadline for the applications being March 5, 2025.
Interested applicants are encouraged to visit http://www.kabianga.ac.ke/vacancies.htm for more details on the available jobs and application details.
The Nuclear Power and Energy Agency (NuPEA) has also advertised for six positions in the agency.
They include Director, Information, advocacy and communication, Manager supply chain, internal auditor, Assistant Administrator and two senior legal officers.
Career Directions Limited has advertised for six vacant positions which include Head of Risk and Compliance, Head of Retail and SME, company secretary and Head of Legal Services, Head Of Human Resources, Head of Credit Management, and Head of Finance and Administration.
Interested candidates are required to submit their applications by February 25, 2025, through email, indicating the job title they are applying for as the email subject.
"Enclose copies of academic and professional certificates, a detailed CV highlighting work experience and provide the names and addresses of three referees," the advert says.
Applicants are also expected to indicate their expected salaries, allowances, and benefits.