[PHOTOS] When life gives you lemons... Ruto has tea with new security team

But Ruto said the security system in the country should not be politicised.

In Summary

•The over 10 security men were seen arriving at the residence with Ruto being in the lead.

•After a few minutes of being briefed, they were taken to the lawn where they sat and took tea with the second in command.

DP William Ruto taking tea with thee security team.
DP William Ruto taking tea with thee security team.
Image: DPPS

When life gives you lemons, the best thing to do is make lemonade out of them.

And that's what Deputy President William Ruto appeared to do on Monday as he posted pictures on Twitter from a photo op with his new security team at his official residence in Karen.

The security team comprising more than 10 officers was seen arriving at the residence with Ruto being in the lead.

After a few minutes of being briefed, they were taken to the lawn where they sat and took tea with the second in command.

DP William Ruto when he welcomed the security teams.
DP William Ruto when he welcomed the security teams.
Image: DPPS

“Sharing a cup of tea with the new security team as I welcome them to the Official Residence of the Deputy President,” Ruto tweeted.

Last week, Administration Police Service officers took over guarding Ruto's residences following the withdrawal of the elite General Service Unit. 

The GSU officers also left Ruto's rural home in Sugoi, Eldoret town, his residence at Elgon View and his official Karen residence in Nairobi.

The office of the Police IG called the changeover normal, but Ruto's communication secretary David Mugonyi said the state was undermining the DP's safety and termed the changes 'diabolical'.

DP William Ruto having a brief talk with the team.
DP William Ruto having a brief talk with the team.
Image: DPPS

The DP's office went ahead to write a letter to the IG, seeking an explanation for the change.

A few days later, on Sunday, Ruto downplayed the security matter, saying he wouldn't mind even if he were given security officers from private firm G4S to guard him.

Ruto said the security system in the country should not be politicised.

He said the police force should be allowed to work independently.

“We do not have an issue with the security changes being made if they further the safety of millions of ordinary Kenyans,” he said.

He noted that the changes should be done carefully to tame possible divisions in the country’s security apparatus.


Edited by CM

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