A talented young boy on Thursday stunned a gathering with his imitation of ODM leader Raila Odinga during the Azimio la Umoja rally in Vihiga.
The little boy's bold interaction with the various leaders at the rally impressed many who cheered him on.
Murang'a Woman rep Sabina Chege introduced the boy, now known as Anesta and appeared to be about 10-years old, as her new friend.
Anesta eagerly took the microphone from Chege and proceeded to imitate Raila, a move that left the crowd in awe.
"Mimi wenu Raila Amolo Odinga. Huyu Ruto, kutudanganya tu na wheelbarrow na wamama wanataka mang'ombe," Anesta said.
Loosely translates to: " I am yours truly Raila Amolo Odinga. This Ruto, cheating us with wheelbarrows and women want cows".
He proceeded to ask Mombasa Governor Hassan Joho for an Sh10,000 token saying he was the breadwinner of his family.
The stunned Joho had no choice but to hand the boy several 1000 shilling notes.
Joho said the money will assist in the little boy's school fees.
Azimio team has pitched camp in Vihiga County in what is seen as a move to counter the Kenya Kwanza alliance that has been crisscrossing the Western region to woo voters to support them ahead of August 9, general elections.
Azimio leader Raila Odinga is abroad for a private business.
Deputy President William Ruto on the other hand toured Nyamira county for rallies.
Ruto, who will be accompanied by his allies, will make at least five stopovers, where he will sell his agenda to the locals.