
Woman shows up at politician's workplace with child he neglected

We are told the soft-spoken man had abandoned the lover in the village and blocked her phone lines.


Corridors-of-power16 November 2024 - 05:54

In Summary

  • It took the intervention of his bodyguard to save the situation and defuse the confrontation.
  • The man rushed out and hitched a ride in a colleague’s car to avoid causing a scene.

Corridors of Power.

A FIRST-TERM POLITICO nearly found himself in a sticky situation after a woman he had allegedly sired a child with showed up at his workplace to confront him.

We are told the soft-spoken man had abandoned the lover in the village and blocked her phone lines to avoid being bothered as he enjoyed his life in the city.

It took the intervention of his bodyguard to save the situation and defuse the confrontation.

The man rushed out and hitched a ride in a colleague’s car to avoid causing a scene.


WHO IS THIS female politician struggling hard to save her badly tainted reputation after erroneously sharing photos showing her in a compromising situation?

The politician reportedly posted photos of herself at a beach in a village WhatsApp group, only to discover later that she had shared the images on the wrong platform.

It is not known who she intended to send the photos to.

The animated chatter degenerated fast into her lifestyle, even as other commentators alleged she intended to share the pictures with her younger flame.

To spruce up her image, the politician has started attending local events and recruited online warriors to popularise her activities.


A GROUP OF MCAs in a troubled county are worried.

Reason? The ward reps fear their action in a recent drama that rocked the county government could return to haunt them.

Insiders say the lawmakers pocketed millions of shillings from a top state official but failed to deliver on an agreed assignment.

The official had oiled the palms of the MCAs to reprimand a senior official accused of serious violations including corruption.

But the ward reps went around and took a more handsome offer from the county official.

They didn’t act on the matter. The duplicity has angered the top state operative, who has vowed to teach the MCAs a painful lesson.


There seems to be something wrong with a city CEC.

The man has completely refused to learn from his past mistakes.

He had been warned against issuing statements without fact-checking with his boss after a previous blunder that almost cost him his job.

But he is at it again. It is about a mega project set to be launched but is in the initial phases.

While the cabinet had made a resolution to keep it secret first, the man recently leaked the project on his social media pages before quickly taking down the post.

But a lot of people had already seen it. Our mole whispers the man is now in hot soup.

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