Raila one week visit to UK for business and relaxation

Raila's spokesman Dennis Onyango said he left the country Friday night for a "private and business" visit.

In Summary
  • During his stay in the UK, Onyango said Raila will meet friends, family members, and business associates.

  • "He will also use his stay in the UK to rest and relax, which he doesn’t do enough back at home."

Azimio leader Raila Odinga.
Azimio leader Raila Odinga.

Opposition chief Raila Odinga has left the country for a one-week tour to the United Kingdom.

Raila, according to a statement by spokesman Dennis Onyango, left the country Friday night for a "private and business" visit.

During his stay in the UK, Onyango said Raila will meet friends, family members, and business associates.

"He will also use his stay in the UK to rest and relax, which he doesn’t do enough back at home," the statement read.

He is expected back in the country by the end of next week, it states.

Raila had attended the Devolution Conference and delivered a speech which took a swipe at the US ambassador to Kenya, Meg Whitman, following her remarks that the 2022 General Election was the most credible in the country's history.

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