AN MP FROM the Lower Eastern region is reportedly a disappointed man. The legislator was purportedly handed an assignment that came with the promise of a huge reward. The politico was also expecting to head a powerful committee in Parliament. However, the MP who executed his task with gusto hadn’t realised how fast politics moves. The seat he was eyeing has already been handed to a beneficiary of a recent political deal. The lawmaker is now allegedly crying in the village that he was played!
A SECOND-TERM LAWMAKER has triggered talk in the corridors of Parliament with his unbecoming habit. The vocal lawmaker, known for his hard stance on key national matters, allegedly smokes cigarettes along the corridors of the House. His colleagues warned him that smoking in such places was dishonourable and unparliamentary. However, the puffing lawmaker cannot just stop. So addicted is he to nicotine that he often walks out of plenary and committee meetings to take a puff. Some insiders say the habit could soon land him in trouble.
THERE IS REPORTEDLY huge disquiet in one of the prestigious ministries, with complaints of tribalism, nepotism and favouritism based on relationships. The complaints are that training, travel and secondment opportunities are allegedly limited to certain tribes and individuals connected to the who is who in government. Unfortunately, those in the know say this is not only painting the government and the country negatively but also hindering service delivery as some of the officers are totally clueless on what they are supposed to do.
A KEY GOVERNMENT official seeking audience with a big office was allegedly asked to go and talk to a political player in the county before he is heard. The official told a friend he was shocked to learn the favour he was seeking could only be approved in the private office of the political leader. Worse, the man has reportedly been bad-mouthing the politician now in control of government agenda and activities. That is how he has learnt things work. Be nice to the people on your way up the ladder.
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